[VIDEO] Finding the Time to Flip

I’ve gotten many comments like this, “Val, I have no idea how you get so much done!” or, “You amaze me at all the things you do, how do you do it?” Well, some of my ability to accomplish as much as I do is through planning and patterning. I learned it back in the day when we were raising our 15 kids at the same time we were in the ministry doing 111 different things. The days flew by and the list kept getting longer, so I had to do something to keep on task and accomplish the things that mattered to me. Patterning is developing good daily habits, creating a lifestyle that was productive in a way that I didn’t even have to think about what to do next. It’s eeking out time to do at least a little of what needed to be done, giving myself margin, … Read more

[VIDEO] A How-to Patriotic Coffee Table Set Tutorial

We’ve had these two pieces for a long time sitting in our garage. I was never really sure what I wanted to do with them. It’s no secret that coffee tables are hard to sell, so I was wanting to do something special with them to grab the attention of possible buyers. It’s a balance. You want to redesign your furniture pieces in a way that will appeal to a large audience, but if you stick with a simple, one color design, people might just scroll on by. But if you get too creative, your customer group will seriously narrow. BALANCE is the key. We do tend to redesign according to our own individual tastes, our own style, which isn’t a bad thing if our vision isn’t too wild or on the other end of the spectrum, boring. It’s no fun painting a piece in a way that we dislike. … Read more

[VIDEO] Maximize Sales With A DIY Retique It Liquid Wood Sample Board

 Are you a furniture flipper and/or a Retique It retailer? Now you can create a sample board for your customers that is portable enough to be taken with you anywhere. Show your future customers the beauty and versatility of Retique It’s Liquid Wood and let them see and feel for themselves the uniqueness and versatility of our most favorite furniture flipping tool. You too can create your own professional sample board just like mine!  While you are visiting my Youtube channel, please subscribe.   CLICK THE PIC BELOW TO WATCH THE TUTORIAL! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Want more ideas, resources, tips and furniture flipping tutorials? My membership for furniture flippers opens a few times a year. Subscribe to THE DROPCLOTH to be notified when it opens: Https://ValFrania.com/theDROPCLOTH. You’ll also get a Free PDF Paint Reference Guide along with tips, tutorials and lots of other furniture flipping helps! See links below: ✅ To learn … Read more

[VIDEO] Too Busy to Accomplish Goals? It’s a Lie We Tell Ourselves.

Today while scrolling down through a news site that I just discovered, ThePatriotLight.com, I found this interesting video of a man accomplishing a seriously amazing task. I felt convicted as I watched him work. The excuses we give, the excuses THAT I GIVE, are not valid. I do have the time to do the things that are important to me. I just need to manage my time and life in general so much better. Time is too short. We are only here for a moment in time, so I am determined to make every bit of that time count. James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Watch this video – it will inspire you to do great things and lose the excuses that limit what we do and what … Read more

Furniture Worship?

BALANCING OPINION WITH FACT Do we act like we know the difference? Look at the pieces and prices below: PRICING IS HARD We are free to charge whatever we think a piece is worth – I’m all for Capitalism and the freedom to ask whatever we want. BUT… Just because something is listed for a certain price doesn’t mean it will sell for that. Nor does it mean it really is worth that in our market. We must remember when seeing these listings, that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.  Sometimes people price based on their own emotional connection to an item. Have you ever been to a garage sale and found items that are old and worn priced at retail prices? I have and it makes me chuckle. They priced based the item based on their personal attachment to the item, but as … Read more

Cyber Monday Starts NOW

I’m going to keep it simple. If you want to learn to become an ace at creating furniture art…if you want to learn how to sell that furniture art…come join the Blueprint. I have the best deal of the year right now – $100 off the regular GOLD plan. One year for one low price of tutorials, videos (over 200), lists, links, step-by-steps, product reviews, explanations, etc. I’m not really sure why I put it so low other than the fact that everybody needs FFB. Go here to see what the Blueprint is all about, just click here: ValFrania.com/invite. It’s my invitation to you to become the pursuer of dreams, the accomplished artist, the skilled marketer and a leader in furniture flipping world. I have 2 great bonuses you can grab ’till Sunday night. Yes, the $100 off deal is still good through Cyber Monday, midnight, but the bonuses go … Read more

Love My DIY Home