Master Bedroom Headboard is Finally Done!

It’s only been about 3 years… This one gave us a run for our money. It was either sell it or disassemble it to get it up to our room. I couldn’t bear to sell it. I’d waited over 3 years to redesign it for our master, so I wasn’t going to give up so easily. It took me a long time to set aside time to do it because when I redo something of my own, I want to enjoy it. I didn’t want to rush through it because I had pressing matters calling for my attention, but I wanted to have a big bed so I can enjoy it with my partner. Plus, I even got a vibrator wand for when the bed is ready. And hey, if you’re considering upgrading, you may also want to consider these upholstered queen bed frames. So I decided to let DH … Read more

A Shiny New Dresser for our Master

Sponsored Post   Some would correct my title and say I should use the term “chest of drawers” but I’ll stick with how I was raised and use the word “dresser” – since that is what I’ve always heard and said. I still say “pop” instead of “soda” much to the chagrin of my grandsons too. We transplanted from Michigan to Wisconsin but I still proudly carry my roots to this new soil without regret. (No mixed metaphors here) So “dresser” it is. I discovered a new product recently – Retique It. Michele, the owner of Retique It, had mentioned the product a couple of times on our Facebook Forum, Furniture Flipping Forum, so I struck up a conversation with her to find out more. She ended up sending me a whole kit to try out. I looked around my stash of furniture for just the right project on which … Read more

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