Spray Painting Old Decor – A Quick Fix

We recently moved from a larger house in Michigan that housed all 17 of us – yes, I said 17. I have 15 children. If you want to do a little reading on our family and my life these past few years, visit my family blog at: Mom of Many. Below you can see a picture of the last time we were all together in 2004. We weren’t able to downsize when our last 3 children moved out, or to put it less graciously, get rid of all the junk, because we had our house on the market for nearly 3 years. All our stuff we needed to get out of the house to improve the look while it was on the market went into boxes and were piled up in the garage. We had to put on the “face.” You know the, “Come look at our house – we … Read more

Welcome to LMDH!

  Hi there, Because we love our DIY home, I am here to share with you some of the things we’ve learned along the way. I’m married to Mark, nicknamed DH (Darling Hubby). We’re just normal people trying to be good stewards of our money while we create a home that not only is comfortable, and inviting, but affordable as well. We raised 15 kids – 13 special needs adopted, 2 homemade We are retired from full-time ministry where I taught for 9 years in the church school I homeschooled for a few years We live in Wisconsin, transplanted from Michigan I now teach furniture flipping online There is no reason to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already done it – so I share with you what I’ve learned here on LMDH. Sharing ideas is how many of us improve our homes and enjoy some of the better … Read more

Love My DIY Home