7 Tips for Pricing Flipped Furniture Without Stress
As you finish your flipped furniture and put it up for sale, do your research on pricing and then stick to your advertised price. Every piece I’ve sold has had low-ball offers thrown at me. Here is a bit of advice drawn from experience on how to lessen the stress associated with selling your creations: 1. Don’t be offended – most people are looking for a deal and don’t think of it is offensive to low-ball or to ask for a discount. I usually just respond with, “Thanks for the offer, but my price is firm.” It never pays to be rude. Within a few minutes of posting “Katherine”, I received an offer of $100 – I had it priced at $175, a special price since it was so close to Christmas. Here is the actual PM: . She came and bought it at full price. She was a very … Read more