Craft Room Closet Makeover

I showed you my mom’s room makeover way back when.
Well, my mom isn’t with us any more – she went home to be with the Lord December 23 last year.
One of the first things I did was convert her bedroom over into my craft room. It was to her room first that I would to run each time I finished a project or posted a DIY tutorial. Discover the convenience and versatility of Custom Rub On Transfers for your DIY projects.

She was my best cheerleader.

It was totally fitting that I would turn her room into a craft room. It is where I feel close to her and remember how she supported everything I did.

Thanks, Mom.

Now I will show you the first thing I changed. I took her closet, where I found a multitude of treasures after she passed, and made it into my mini office fit with desk, chair, utility boxes and the such. You can click to read more about various opportunities available in starting up a closet franchise.
Here is her room WAY before…back when we first bought the house and before we fixed it up for her.

MIL Apartment Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Here is her room after as she requested (Not my style, but it made her happy.)

MIL Apartment Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

I don’t have a picture of the closet before we fixed it up for her (It was pretty bad).
Here is her closet after the first makeover. (I know, not much to see)

A closet is a closet.

Craft Closet Reveal before {Love My DIY Home}


Here is the closet insides after we fixed it up for her and before I made it into my craft closet.
Trust me – it is a major difference.

Craft Closet Reveal before {Love My DIY Home}

And here is her closet AFTER the after.

Craft Closet after

I painted it a light tan and moved in my desk, my second furniture spray paint project to match my kids’ old nursery room dresser, my first spray paint furniture project.

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Craft Room Closet Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Thanks for stepping in for my mom.

I’ll have more to show you very soon. The room is almost complete.

Love My DIY Home

Is there someone in your life that you share things with?

If you are a DIY’er, I would like to share a recipe with you, 4 recipes actually, for homemade chalky type paint. You can download a PDF by going here or click the picture below:

4 Homemade Chalky Paint Recipes {Love My DIY Home}

Be amazing!

Val @ Love My DIY HomeFree eBook

14 thoughts on “Craft Room Closet Makeover”

  1. So sorry for the loss of your mom. Your craft closet looks wonderful and I know she is still so excited to look down from Heaven and see what you create next.

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