Use What You Already Have to DIY Decorate – Antique Wooden Box

I just had to share this with you! I was taking drawers out of a dresser in our garage that we decided to put up in our closet… then I saw this box. Umm, hello! This box is a treasure! You never know where you're going to find something you can repurpose in your home. Now all I have to do is convince my DH to let me have it… I could use it for photo shoots – can you see a toddler sitting in it with overhauls on? Or I could use it as a table or a bookshelf… Maybe I will sell it – here are some similar ones on ebay. What to do, what to do? Tomorrow I'm going to show you a clearanced lantern from Kohls that I painted and will use for a fall/Christmas accent. Have a great day and please leave a comment on … Read more

Re-purpose Old Chairs

  Re-purposing Old Chairs More on my Porch Decor series… Often when you buy things at auctions they offer a smattering of this and that hoping to snag you on one item just to get rid of a dozen others. Some days my husband announces he won an auction and lists the different things in the grouping. It’s not uncommon for him to submit a low ball bid just to see if he can win. (I think it’s a sickness we’ve both contracted!) There is usually only one thing he wants in the group. If he wins, he brings the whole lot home and asks me if I want any of the extra stuff. Recently he won an auction that had 3 old chairs – dusty grimy old chairs that would only be valuable to someone wanting to have a bon fire… or a DH DIYer (die hard do it … Read more

Love My DIY Home