When the Low Ballers Come Out to Play

The Two Types of Furniture Artisans There are two types of furniture artisans that you’ll find in this furniture flipping business – the soul-invested and the business-directed. But both probably rely on marketing tools like those business cards to expand their network. The Soul-Invested Artisan The soul-invested artisan, or SIA, leaves a little bit of themselves in each piece and views their creations as an extension of themselves, an expression of their deep-down selves that they must share with the world. The SIA’s emotions are painted onto their canvas and seem to speak back to them, “Here I am, I am are part of you, the artist who created me.” They view marketing process as tiresome but a necessary evil – it allows them to continue creating, as there are many strategies which can be use such as content creations or adding Backlinks to your website as well. When they … Read more

Furniture Staging {Love My DIY Home}

Background Options for DIY Indoor Photography

Photography Backgrounds – Are They Really Necessary? Whether you are into still photography or portraiture, you have known the pain of trying to get it just right while shooting indoor. Lighting, backgrounds and flooring options can improve or limit your outcome. Some of my most frustrating moments has been trying to make due with what I have to get a good shot. But shooting outdoor isn’t the safest or easiest scenario. If it’s: too cold too hot windy  too bright intermittent shade It can be challenging or even impossible to get a good shot. But then if you take it indoors you have other issues. Background, flooring, lighting, and available space all play a part in good staging. It is challenging to find a good day for outdoor photography. A good day was overcast, warm, and not windy. If it wasn’t overcast, you’d have to run around trying to find … Read more

7 Tips for Pricing Flipped Furniture Without Stress

As you finish your flipped furniture and put it up for sale, do your research on pricing and then stick to your advertised price. Every piece I’ve sold has had low-ball offers thrown at me. Here is a bit of advice drawn from experience on how to lessen the stress associated with selling your creations: 1. Don’t be offended – most people are looking for a deal and don’t think of it is offensive to low-ball or to ask for a discount. I usually just respond with, “Thanks for the offer, but my price is firm.” It never pays to be rude. Within a few minutes of posting “Katherine”, I received an offer of $100 – I had it priced at $175, a special price since it was so close to Christmas. Here is the actual PM: . She came and bought it at full price. She was a very … Read more

Free Word Art {Love My DIY Home}

Is there something you want? FREE WORD ART

I designed a word art for my DIY Blogger Connect buddies. I'm sharing it with you today. Feel free to download and print it, my gift to you. Just click the wording below and save.   —>  If You Want Something – free word art   If you are interested in joining our Facebook DIY Blogger Connect group, either contact me and leave your DIY website and email address or leave your information in a comment. You must be a DIY blogger to join. Thanks! I LINK TO THESE GREAT PARTIES

Love My DIY Home