Storing Tools Tip

Tips from seasoned furniture artists and those experienced in marketing can make a big difference. The things we consistently do every day become habits that we don’t have to think about. That’s the place we want to be. We want to know all the little things that make life easier so we can focus on our creative pursuits. Isaac, my grandson, is pretty amazing when it comes to fixing things and using tools, so I enlisted him to share some of his knowledge. It doesn’t hurt that he enjoys doing videos with me either. I’m all for family getting involved. Three years ago he created the Creative Kids Furniture Art Course. Perhaps your kids need something to do this summer? I’ll be posting more in the future. It’s the little things that make all the difference. Here’s Isaac… Do you have a tip you want to share? Leave one in … Read more

crisis chart by cooldesign

Helpful Websites for DIY Crisis Prep

  Since looking into pantry preparedness, I've learned a lot along the way and I'd like to share what I've learned. That led me to ask myself, "Am I negligent in the area of crisis preparedness?" I decided I needed to make a list of the helpful websites I found while investigating the subject of crisis preparedness and share them with you. I might as well put all the hours of reasearch to good use both personally and for others.   I will be adding links as I find sites, products, and tips that are helpful.   Information/Checklists SB Canning on Facebook – Tons of canning information and tips Emergency Essentials Preparedness Checklist – "By making the necessary preparations, you can have the confidence of knowing you and your family will have their needs met in an emergency, whether it is an economic, man-made, or natural disaster." Be Prepared Educational … Read more

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