A Shiny New Dresser for our Master

Sponsored Post   Some would correct my title and say I should use the term “chest of drawers” but I’ll stick with how I was raised and use the word “dresser” – since that is what I’ve always heard and said. I still say “pop” instead of “soda” much to the chagrin of my grandsons too. We transplanted from Michigan to Wisconsin but I still proudly carry my roots to this new soil without regret. (No mixed metaphors here) So “dresser” it is. I discovered a new product recently – Retique It. Michele, the owner of Retique It, had mentioned the product a couple of times on our Facebook Forum, Furniture Flipping Forum, so I struck up a conversation with her to find out more. She ended up sending me a whole kit to try out. I looked around my stash of furniture for just the right project on which … Read more

A Christmas Gift for Jillian

  My DD, Jillian, is my Social Media Specialist for my furniture flipping business and is way under paid. Picture her holding up a sign that says, “I work for paint.” Not to mention the patience her DH, Taylor, has shown in regard to her time spent on the forum. So I figured I’d grab one of the pieces she’s hinted that she’d like to have one day with a, “So…what do you plan to do with that piece?”  We find so many cool pieces, and she spends so much time on my social media accounts, how could I not paint her something for Christmas? So here is the “before.” Nothing special, just an old outdated three tiered plant stand. BUT, “nothing special” can be so easily turned into, “This is amazing,” with a little paint and creativity.   BEFORE   I never did get any ideas out of her … Read more

Love My DIY Home