2 Candle Holders Upcycled = A DIY Bird Feeder

Do you have an eye? Do you have an eye for upcycling? The craziest Goodwill finds can be combined to make useful and trendy home decor. Ya just gotta see it – imagine possibilities and be willing to experiment. That’s the case with these two candle holders – 1+1=1 For this tutorial, I’m going to be very specific and detailed – not because it’s a difficult or very detailed project, but because I want you to see the process for how a project comes together. Simple or complex, each project requires planning and contemplation for it to come together. Do you see how they can combine to make a one-of-a-kind bird feeder? 1. Turn the candle holder into a cup by creating a larger area to hold the bird seed. This is what it looked like “before.” DH called in the big guns for this job – it’s called a … Read more

Dresser Turned TV Stand

 It is a new day. I woke at 4:45 this morning and couldn’t turn my brain off. As always my mom pops in my mind and since the stress of her dire condition is ever present, I couldn’t get back to sleep. At least it wasn’t like yesterday. I woke at 2am and didn’t go back to sleep until 6:30 and then it was only for 45 minutes. I had to go to work that morning and by the time I got to the hospital at 2:15 that afternoon, I was dragging. Fortunately they have a nice family lounge and I took a few zzz’s listening to music while Jillian and Taylor continued their vigil. Thank the Lord for power naps and music apps.  So, I am delivering my Dresser Turned TV Stand I told you about. It seems so nostalgic to me to tell you about this project. Making … Read more

Pallet Project – DIY Deck Island

While in Virginia visiting our DD and SIL, we worked on a couple of projects – an island made out of pallets and a rocking chair painted with homemade chalk paint. This is a tutorial on the DIY Deck Island. Project List (affiliate links): Hammer 3″ Deck Screws Cordless Drill Pry Bar Spray Paint Glue 2x4s Ceramic Tile DIY Deck Island Since pallets come in all different sizes, we won’t give you exact measurements, since it would do you no good anyway. BUT, I am giving you detailed pictures and will try to answer any questions you may have – just leave them in a comment. Find two pallets that are the same size. Pry off pieces that you won’t use, carefully. Build a Frame with 2×4’s. Keep in mind what size you will need the frame to be in order to accommodate the size of tile you plan to … Read more

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