[VIDEO] Get PRO Results

14 Furniture Painting Tips for Beginners

The video below is the first in a mini series sharing some PRO tips about furniture painting.

When I was painting a desk with my son for his new apartment, I realized that since it was his first time painting furniture, he didn't know all the tips and tricks that I had learned over the years. Sure, he was great at painting walls, but furniture redesign is quite different. He was a beginner! Then I realized that some of my furniture flipping friends might not be as experienced and might like the insider tips that many of us forget to mention and tend to take for granted.

Being a beginner doesn't make a person "less than" it just means you're not experience yet. That's easy enough to fix!

So I'm starting from the beginning and walking you through each step with real projects. It is my hope that you will want to dive in and grow your skills in every area.

If you want to start at the beginning, first learn about paint. Below the video are some links to get you started. You can dip your toe in or jump in with both feet - up to you.

Link to my video on Youtube if video doesn't play: https://youtu.be/VBRwlFbI7P4

The 14 TIPS explained in the video:

1. Start with the piece upside down. 2. Know your paint and brush. 3. Use a kitchen ladle perch. 4. Use Ultratique - sealer not always needed. 5. Pour paint in a little cup. 6. Load up your brush. 7. Paint undersides and backs. 8. Go the extra mile.  9. Watch for splatter. 10. Don't fix every imperfection. 11. Do "Whispy". 12. How to avoid missed spots. 13. Legs go up and down. 14. Save brush in baggie.

NOTE: This is what I do - by all means, find out what works best for you!


When you subscribe to my email list, you'll get my FREE PDF that lists the different types of paint and their uses as my gift to you.

*** Go here to subscribe: TheDropcloth.



And if you are ready to become a PRO at furniture redesign and marketing, keep an eye out for when my membership, Furniture Flipping Blueprint PRO, opens for new members. You can join our community and enjoy all the benefits of FFB PRO.

*** See the deets here: FFB PRO


Happy painting,

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