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Some would correct my title and say I should use the term "chest of drawers" but I'll stick with how I was raised and use the word "dresser" - since that is what I've always heard and said. I still say "pop" instead of "soda" much to the chagrin of my grandsons too. We transplanted from Michigan to Wisconsin but I still proudly carry my roots to this new soil without regret. (No mixed metaphors here)
So "dresser" it is.
I discovered a new product recently - Retique It.
Michele, the owner of Retique It, had mentioned the product a couple of times on our Facebook Forum, Furniture Flipping Forum, so I struck up a conversation with her to find out more. She ended up sending me a whole kit to try out. I looked around my stash of furniture for just the right project on which to try it.
I've been holding onto this dresser and had planned to put in my master, but it sat for a few weeks until I could decide what to do with it. Retique It was the answer to my wonderings and now that the dresser is done, I am so amazed at how it turned out.
This was the first time using the product, as well as the graining tools she sent along in the kit. It was super easy and turned out perfectly on the first try. That may never happen again...

It's a fairly nice dresser - I actually bought a set of two. The top is laminate, so I wasn't crazy about the idea of painting it, hence, the hesitation over what to do with it. Yes, you can paint laminate, but you must take extra steps to insure adhesion. I USE the top of my dresser, so it has to be solid.
I cleaned it well and scuffed it up to be sure it was ready. This new product is a liquid wood that you paint on and then can stain just like you do bare wood. The graining tools can be used to simulate grain before staining, giving you the texture you would see if it were real grain. It's quite amazing to say the least.
I filmed the steps for my membership site, Furniture Flipping Blueprint, so I'll share it here for you too.
Basically you paint on the Retique It light wood, let it dry and then paint on the Retique It dark wood. You use the wood graining tool by rocking it back and forth as you draw it down in a straight line, in rows, simulating the grain. You can see in the video that you can just add or smooth out any areas you're not happy with while using the graining tool to get the look you want.
After I was happy with how the "grain" looked, I took a brush and lightly ran over the whole top to knock down any high peaks and give a smoother grain look.
After it dries, you stain it and add a top coat and voila! I used (afflinks) Varathane's Kona stain, a dark brown, and General Finishes Wipe On Poly.
You now have a newly stained wood top with a matte finish.

Adding to the glamour, I used Rustoleum's Champagne Metallic for the body. I sanded it down to get off the shine and primed it with (all afflinks in red) STIX, a bonding primer. I like texture, so I didn't paint it on in the traditional way.
I "pounced" the STIX on the drawers and "squiggled" the base coat of STIX on the body. I didn't want the typical brush strokes under my metallic paint.
I then painted on the metallic with up and down strokes, and then the last coat I painted sideways, giving it a kind of "linen look." I do love texture, even if it's slight.

The icing on the cake was the hardware that Derrick from DLawlessHardware sent me. I've never cared for the colonial "bat pulls", so replacing the hardware was a no brainer for me. I had asked Derrick for matching hardware to the night stand I gave my DH for Christmas, so he provided both sets. See that tutorial here >>> Steam Punk Mixed Media Night Stand for DH.

Do you want to learn how to redesign furniture? Check into my Furniture Flipping Blueprint.
* Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy anything after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I receive a small commission of the sale. The cost to you is the same, and I only link to items that I think would benefit my readers. Your support of this blog is greatly appreciated! This post was sponsored by Retique It and DLawlessHardware by supplying some of the materials for this project – Thank you!
I have never heard of Retique It before. I am very interested. I used Metallic Masters several years ago, but mostly as accent, but really like it. Also, several years ago I used a Ralph Lauren metallic that was sold as a kit. It included a special stringy roller. I used it on my laundry room cabinets. Not really all that practical, but a lot of fun. I am anxious to try some of the new metallics. I used a mountain of cans a of Rustoleum spray oil rubbed bronze to change a lot of metal furniture into something that it never had been.
I am glad to finally hear a name for those ugly pulls. Bat wing fits. I have one dresser that will get something different when it makes its way to the top of the to do list.
Thanks for sharing. Your dresser is stunning.
Thanks, Sonja. You should give it a try. It sounds like you are adventuresome!
I have a dresser with a similar design and I actually saved this picture as a reference. I’m newer to the furniture flipping, so I am always looking to try new techniques and materials.
Looks incredible! I am just a beginner and always looking for inspiration.. thank you very much !