I've talked about creating your own appliques using paper clay and hot glue. Today I wil show you a fairly new product that will give you the same type of applique as the most used, paper clay, but without the cracking and lack of flexibility.
It's quite pricey compared to other products, but if you are wanting to create your own appliques that are flexible, this is a great solution. Here's a link to buy Form Flex Compound. I've not found it on Amazon yet, but one ay hope to carry it in my shop: Furniture Flipping Market.
Recently my FFB members and I tried it it out and found it to be a very good product.
Form Flex Compound is used much the same way as the paper clay.
Step #1 - Lightly dust the mould with cornstarch and remove the extra before adding the Form Flex Compound. You can just turn it over and slap it down on the table, tap it over the tub, or use the brush to work it in the crevices like in the video clip below.
Step #2 - Press in the Form Flex Compound till it's level and remove excess. We used a popsicle stick to grab it out of the package and our fingers to smash it down into the mould. It's kinda sticky.

Step #3 - Someone had mentioned that it wasn't easy and takes quite a long time to get the product pressed down into the mould and even out the back, so we used a brayer - which is usually used for smoothing out decoupaged paper.
Step #4 - After it was all set, we placed the mould in the freezer for 30 minutes to make it easier to remove the applique. Worked like a charm.
Step #5 - Turn over the mould and gently bend to coax the applique out and onto the table. Let it dry and you're done! Trim if needed - you'll get better with practice at not overshooting the compound.

I will use E600 glue to attach the appliques to my furniture or decor.
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This is great! Thanks so much. Exactly what I was looking for to redo a french day bed. Only question is–where do you find the molds?
I got most of mine on Amazon.
Thank you! Fun project to try.
What are the molds called?
I usually use molds from Prima: https://amzn.to/3HjcTAm