What does one do with a 50¢ 12X12 tile?
- Tile a floor (a VERY small floor)
- Use it as a cutting board
- Use it as a trivit (for a VERY big mug)
- Paint it with chalkboard paint and prop it against the counter top for a menu
- Put it beneath a plant to protect your floor
- Use it as a centerpiece for a bowl of fruit (8 year old Isaac’s suggestion)
What did I do with a 50¢ 12X12 tile?
I found this tile at Habitat for Humanity for 50 cents and I immediately thought about my antique nightstand that holds my Young Living oils diffuser. I was a little concerned the mist would damage my table top, so when I saw this tile on the cheap I snatched it up.
Here it is – notice I did nothing to it before I took the picture. Real life. I am seldom careful about what an area looks like if I’ve not yet decorated. Eventually I will be painting (gasp!) this nightstand (big surprise), but I don’t want the wood damaged in the mean time.

The bottom of these tiles are very rough, so I bought some feet that had a rebate, making the whole bag just 99 cents. Well, that is if my DH remembers to send in the rebate form.

160 feet for 99 cents – not a bad price to pay to keep my piece from scratching the table top.
The feet are just peel and stick, easy peasey.

This little DIY project only took a few minutes, few cents, and little thought.

Funny how a little change can make such a difference. Fifty cents. That’s it to protect my antique table (until I can paint it) and create a nice space next to my bed for my oils. DIY doesn’t have to be expensive, elaborate or difficult. Just keep an eye out, be very aware, and watch for opportunity to improve your life.
Go a little crazy. Experiment. Color outside the box. Make mistakes. Be original. Take risks. Go on scouting trips. Buy a piece that is interesting that you have no idea what you’re going to do with it. Mull it over. Stick it in a closet until you get inspired to do something creative with it. It’s OK. You don’t have to be perfect – you just have to like what you’ve done – it doesn’t even matter if anyone else does.