If I had a dollar for every time I heard, "But you don't understand, I just don't have the time." Or, "I'm just too busy," I'd be rich.
Excuses? Yep. We all have them. We tell ourselves we "can't" because of something or other that gets in our way. But really. Don't we find the time to do the thing we WANT to do? It is about priorities, yes, but finding time to be creative SHOULD be a priority.
There are so many reasons why enjoying the creative process is good for us and those around us.
Today I share with you how I find the time and motivation to get my daily stuff stuff done and make sure I set aside time to be creative.
We all think we have reasons for not doing what we need to, doing what we WANT to do. If we can just get rid of the mindset that we "can't" then maybe we will start believing we can and go out and do it.
BUT, sometimes there are practical solutions to everyday issues. Find those practical solutions, get the right mindset and then go do it.
The world is full of dreamers. We need to dream, yes, but we need to DO and do it well.
Get your ducks in a row, make the changes that are needed to make your efforts successful and then just go do it.

The Complete Furniture Redesign Course
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