Top of the Kitchen Cupboard DIY Deco | Love My DIY Home

10 Steps to Decorating Your Home on a Tight Budget

I’ve given a lot of thought to my DIY projects. I search the Internet for ideas. The thing I enjoy the most is looking at other blogs that focus on home decor. But they can be my worst enemy at times too. Why? Because I don’t always feel I can measure up. The problem with looking at what other people do is I tend to compare myself with them – oh boy, that can be a big mistake if I’m not careful I can become discouraged. We will always find someone who can do it better than us. The key is to realize that and use their example as inspiration rather than let it defeat or discourage us. Some of the home decor blogs are amazing! They have perfect houses and perfect photography to share their home decor. Oh, and let’s not forget, they have perfect writing styles, and even … Read more

Simple DIY – Repurposed Deco

Simple DIY – Repurposed Decor   DO YOU REPURPOSE OR DO YOU JUST TOSS?   A little bit of money, a little bit of time and a little bit of ingenuity… I’ve added a few little things to welcome fall into my home. I bought on clearance a bulletin board that a graduate would use at an open house and changed it into a jewelry holder. Simple changes can easily repurpose items. Ever heard the expression, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”? It’s true! The graduate bulletin board was originally $35.00 at Kohls and I got it for $3.50 on clearance. Don’t ya just love Kohls? At the time I wasn’t sure what I would use them for; I thought I could give one or two to someone for Christmas, and maybe use one in the church office. But now that I’ve discovered another use for them (I bought … Read more

Take a walk and look around for the beauty of the outdoors - Love My DIY Home

Fall Splendor – Canvasing the Neighborhood

There are times when you find the unexpected all around you and are forced to pause for a moment and take it all in. I know I drove my husband crazy today, but I just couldn’t help it. He’s the quiet unassuming humble, let’s think about it a while and don’t be too hasty kinda guy. We’re a good fit, but I didn’t always see it that way. Funny how life can change your perspective. Anyway, back to my driving him crazy today. We went out canvasing today for our church, Northside Baptist of Wausau. I was uber tired, having been up half the night working on printing a trifold for today’s event. Long story, but basically, our printer guy failed to deliver our flyers on time so I was spending oodles of time printing them on an office inkjet so we’d have them in time for this morning’s event. … Read more

Love My DIY Home