Do You Ever Fight Trolls Online?

Bullies Beware, We Honestly and Truly Don’t Care Really. I’m not kidding. We don’t. Not caring is the only way we can keep the trolls under their bridge where they belong. Normally I’d write a long explanation of what I’m talking about in regard to that title, but the best thing to do for this is to just post the video where I lay it all out for you. I originally posted it in my Facebook group, FFF. If you’re not there, don’t be square – go join! It might take me a minute to get you approved, but be patient, I’ll get to you. The group is for those who want to learn to flip furniture. But this one is about online trolls, not how to paint furniture. You know, the trolls, the ones who hide behind a keyboard and rag on people. They spew their acid around like … Read more

When the Low Ballers Come Out to Play

The Two Types of Furniture Artisans There are two types of furniture artisans that you’ll find in this furniture flipping business – the soul-invested and the business-directed. But both probably rely on marketing tools like those business cards to expand their network. The Soul-Invested Artisan The soul-invested artisan, or SIA, leaves a little bit of themselves in each piece and views their creations as an extension of themselves, an expression of their deep-down selves that they must share with the world. The SIA’s emotions are painted onto their canvas and seem to speak back to them, “Here I am, I am are part of you, the artist who created me.” They view marketing process as tiresome but a necessary evil – it allows them to continue creating, as there are many strategies which can be use such as content creations or adding Backlinks to your website as well. When they … Read more

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