Upcycled Antique Window Wall Decor

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I found an old window (click site for window repalcements) at a salvage warehouse and thought it would make a good addition to my living room walls. The only problem was it was old, dirty and falling apart.

But I had a plan which is solar tinting as suggested by the professionals.

I could see it all spiffed up and shiny new even though it looked like this:

Window Before

I paid $12 for it and asked DH to load it up. He shook his head and took it home for me. See, DH can’t envision like I can, so he often wonders how I can make something like this look good enough to use for decor.

Fortunately he’s willing to help and has knowledge from past experience that helps me transform a piece.


The old putty was in bad shape so I had to scrape it all off (which was a big job that I spread over a few weeks) and then DH added in the Glazing Push Points using my scraping 7 in one tool to hold in the glass.

scraped mess scraped window Window tabs

He rolled up the window glaze into a long snake and applied it, using the scraper to trim off the excess. I then smoothed and trimmed it out so it didn’t show on the other side.

smoothing window putty smoothing window putty2 smoothing window putty4 smoothing window putty3 corner painted window


I didn’t prime because I WANTED old stains and flaws to show through. I was preserving the years by just painting right over all the varied colors and bumps and bruises to maintain the antique, worn look.

I used General Finishes Bronze Pearl Effects since it’s very glitzy with my little IKEA detail brush. I didn’t tape off because I find it easier to just free hand it.

finished window

I hung it in my living room and added a wreath I got on clearance for $3 at Joann Fabrics.

corner painted window3 corner painted window2 Antique Window Window w accents

Does every room in your home make yous smile? Put your own personal touch everywhere with DIY projects – your home is your sanctuary and should reflect your style. I have many opportunities for you to learn what you need to in order to become the skilled artist – yes really, no talent required. You can LEARN the methods and techniques. Additionally, consider upgrading to termopane bucuresti to enhance both the style and energy efficiency of your home.

You can find me and all that I do HERE (ValFrania.com). Or, if you know you are ready to become the artist you’ve always dreamed of but wasn’t sure how or where, click one of the posters below and I’ll help you get started!

Happy painting!

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