Another estate sale - another opportunity to save an old piece of unwanted furniture.
This time it was for my granddaughters. I could see my little two-year-old grand daughters sitting in this little chair holding the teddy bear that used to belong to their moms the second I found Susanna.
- Before I took her home
- Before she changed
- Before she became mine
Susanna, "BEFORE"

These outdated and worn out pieces of furniture can have another 100 years if we bring the back to life. Most pass them by. Most don't even see them. The estate buyers typically look for the big antiquey pieces that make a statement. Little Susanna just sat there as everyone walked right by, unseen.
It was the same for Paige. She sat there in the same house, but downstairs hidden amongst the big pieces of furniture. But now? Wow.
I think, "Sand, paint, stencil, wax, guild." New life means change. Better than before. More fun. More fitting.
My main living area, the living room and kitchen are accented in red. Hence, the red grand child's chair named Susanna. From now on, I'll be telling my grandsons Isaac and Hudson, "Go get Susanna for Madison." This is has become a royal chair for a royal princess.

It took it from average to aristocratic. The stenciling tied it into the kitchen theme along with the red that tied it into our decor.

Not because she's so beatiful, though she is. Not because she's going to be a princess's perch, though she is. But because she is a perfect example of an easy project that can inspire any newbie furniture painter. The smallest things can make the biggest statement. Sometimes "small" can become "big" in the eyes of the artist. This is the case with Susanna.
5. (afflink) Stencil and lightly distress the stencilled area - taking off just a little bit of the wording.

8. Apply (afflink) Gilding Wax in dark silver on the parts you want to accent. I used my finger but you can use a rag or brush if you prefer. It was super easy!

Grab something small and easy like Susanna and just go at it. Don't be afraid to experiment and don't think your pieces have to look like everyone elses. Seriously. You have your own style. Find it. Enjoy your art. You will learn new techniques along the way and get more confident.

This is a darling little chair! Love the red!
Thanks, Linda!
What a beautiful piece!! absolutely Charming
THAT IS a good looking throne.. I love what you did with it tho I was even attracted to it
before you made it beautiful..
I love this chair – it is beautiful. I bought 2 gorgeous old chairs at Goodwill and I can't wait to paint them with Annie Sloan chalk paint. Also, I'm going to buy some of the dark silver was. I like that a lot to. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to more of your posts.
Thanks. It was a fun project.
I'm sorry but not seeing what you used to paint the stencil. Really love the subtle effect of this piece.
The post has the word stencil linked to the actual stencil on Amazon. You can also find it linked under “Materials” in the top part of the tutorial.
I saw the stencil but what I wanted to know is what you painted it with.
Thanks for responding.