Christmas Time is a GREAT Time to DIY
To buy an Adirondak chair, just one chair, will set you back about $50...EACH. Jillian and I wanted to go in together to get my DD, her sister, a set of Ardirondak chairs, but they were out of our price range. Well, one isn't, but six? No way. We love her, but $300 is a bit steep for us.

So, Jillian found some hither and yon, advertised on Craig's List and FB, used, beat up and for a decent price. I already had the supplies, so we got busy and fixed, sanded, painted, dry brushed and topcoated all the chairs to match.
Our guys, Mark and Taylor, repaired and scraped and sanded off the old paint. Then we primed with our HomeRight sprayer.
And then painted with our HomeRight sprayer. We mixed several colors to get the blue we had in mind and then sprayed every chair so they would match.
After it dried, we drybrushed gray to give it a weathered look and topcoated it with an exterior varnish.
Being on a tight budget doesn't mean we can't give great gifts. Of course it helps when you have family that appreciates every little thing and can see the effort you put in as the greater gift.
Thanks for sharing in our Christmas surprise.
Merry Christmas
April and Adam
We hope you like your Adirondak chairs!
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