A Picnic Table Flips for Our Family – OFMP Beautified

  Sponsored Post Another Estate Sale Jillian, Isaac, and I went to another estate sale a few weeks ago. I know. Big surprise. Has there ever been a piece of non-descript furniture that you look and look for but just can’t settle on one? I’ve wanted a picnic table every since we moved from Michigan to Wisconsin but never found one I was willing to pay for. They’re kinda expensive. Or maybe I’m just cheap. But either way…I FOUND ONE!   I walked right past it not even noticing it on the way in. We looked around for a few minutes and then got in line o pay for a few little things we found, an ax for Adam, a jack knife for Isaac, a few this’s and thats. Then Jillian said, “Hey, did you see that?” She pointed out a picnic table – with a $20 price tag. I … Read more

Barn Door Hardware Transforms an UGLY Hallway

#sponsored OUTDATED Doesn’t Begin to Describe It Yes. I admit it. My hallway was boring, ugly, dark, uninviting – you get the picture. Before we bought the house, the one wall across from the closet had a type of salt wash that made it very rough. I sanded it down and painted before we moved in, but never liked the hallway partly because it was dark and partly due to the bifold doors. Or should I say “bifold door.” The one was off and the other had a doggie door in it. I have no idea why other than I know they had lots of animals, so the animal “stuff” must have been in the closet.     For the past 5 years I’ve waited to update that hallway and get new doors, but I’ve been holding out, wanting the barn door look. Every day I just ignored that area … Read more

End Tables Ava & Elsa Restyled by P&O Inspiration Collection 2017

#sponsored post The Story of Ava & Elsa Ava & Elsa were not wanted. Ava & Elsa sat out in a driveway thinking there was no hope. Ava & Elsa were wobbly and scratched up pieces with a $10 tag for BOTH of them. Ava & Elsa though they were worth more but needed someone to find them and make them beautiful again. I was that someone… AVA “BEFORE” Finding Your Inner Artist It does take practice, but the more you hunt and take home projects, the more you practice different techniques and experiment with different paints, the more you will gain a new perspective on our craft and gain your own style and develop a vision for redesign. Don’t tell yourself you don’t have the talent or tell me that you could never do what I do.  I learned how to transform old unwanted out-dated pieces of furniture and … Read more

Coffee Table Update OFMP {Love My DIY Home}

Coffee Table Comes Alive – An OFMP Update

Since I wanted to try out the two OFMP greens, Lexington and Tavern, layering seemed the best way to go. The first layer was Lexington. I added Extra Bond after a bit of research, since stain came off onto my sponge when I was cleaning in preparation for painting and I didn’t want to use shellac. The supposition is that the Extra Bond would seal in the stain if I mixed it into my first layer of OFMP. It covered well with not a hint on the dark stain bleeding through. So far so good.

Budget Industrial Lights Idea Board {Love My DIY Home}

Industrial Lighting on a Budget

It’s Time to Shed Some Light on Your DIY Projects Since becoming an affiliate for several online stores, I’ve got the Gimme Gots for home decor. Industrial, vintage, farmhouse…today’s styles are quite interesting and look great with the new painted/distressed/antiqued furniture look. Definition: Gimme Gots gim·me /ˈɡimē/ informal – contraction verb: gimme = give me gotz / slang for have An overwhelming feeling that one must have something that is only satisfied by the purchase of the first and last detail.   With Spring around the corner, we’re all dreaming of updates – my latest piece to my puzzle is lighting. We have two hallways in desperate need some statement lighting – you know, that just right fixture that gives you pause. You’ve painted the accent table and and hung a matching mirror. The walls have a fresh coat of paint and the flooring is done. The rugs, baskets, candles … Read more

Side Table Given New Life – Old Fashioned Milk Paint Company

#Sponsored Post Salvaging the Past We found an antique parlor table at an auction in Stevens Point. It was one of those days that turned out to be very profitable. We got good prices and I fed my furniture flipping addiction. Many things didn’t sell that day, and we watched as the auctioneer helpers tossed dozens of unpurchased items in the dumpster. It was sad to watch. We left with a van full of great furniture for our new FB store The Red Shed. My SIL and DH had the privilege of loading the van while my DD and I stood and watched. Supplies (most are affiliate links for your convenience) Krud Kutter Java Gel Old Fashioned Milk Paint Extra Bond Acriglaze This table needed help. Not only was it old and in need of repair, but it was just plain messed up. I could easily see its potential so … Read more

Love My DIY Home