DIY Designer Desktop

Greetings, my peeps!
(Adam, my dear SIL, I said that just for you!)


Confession time.

My desktop was a mess.

Seriously – there were folders and PDFs and files strewn all over my desktop and whenever I've cleaned it up it's lasted, oh maybe, 2 days?

I was cruising around on Pinterest (big surprise, right?) and saw this really cool desktop from Moritz Fine Designs. Heather offers a bunch of downloads in different sizes. Heather, I pinned your designs on my Pinterest board – thanks for the idea!
After checking out her designs, I said to myself,
"Self, you could do that."
So I did.
DIY desktop organizer
I measured my desktop at 14.5" X 9".
I opened a new file on Photoshop with those dimensions and placed a scrapbooking background paper on the board. Using the rectangle tool, I added boxes and colored them using the eyedropper tool to match one of the colors on my background. For each box I added "bevel and emboss" under the object tab/effects/bevel and emboss, (Inner bevel, smooth, up, .2972, angled at 120 degrees).
Here is a picture of my desktop now.
Well, how it was when I started writing this post. I've already filed everything under the "To Do" window. This is a keeper.
Check out this DIY desktop background organizer!
I love it!
The best part is I can change the color or design whenever I get tired of it – which will probably be quite often.
Check out this post that my daughter Jillian sent to her husband, Taylor from the website [YOKE]: Dating a Designer: 10 Things You Need to Know. This is scary accurate! Bahahaha!
From Yoke Design - Dating a Geek


Another tip about designers – we're never satisfied with anything very long – if I can change it, I will, and often. That's the perk in these type of DIY projects.
Change is just a click away.
I might just add some pictures of my grandkids or maybe a quote next time.
I've already seem my productivity improve and at a glance know what needs to be done because I have my projects and files organized on my desktop.
My daughter told me about a site called fiverr. It's a place you can advertise your work, but each product/service must be only $5.00. Check it out here. I'm going to add some of these desktop designs to see how they go. I'll add the link to my stuff when I get it set up. I think I need about 10 years to do everything I plan to do!
What cool thing are you working on?

4 thoughts on “DIY Designer Desktop”

  1. Thank you so much!  I just finally got around to going back to your email from this post and cleaned up my desktop with your link!  I absolutely love it!  What a great post of info!  I pinned it too!  



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