Farm Table Turns Artsy

WARNING: You will either hate or love this project…

I stepped outside of my comfort zone and did a fun project with no rules, no restraints and just plain old fun as my guide.

Here is the almost before – the legs are painted already, but you get the idea…they originally matched the dining tables Perth with the same blonde wood.

Farm Table Before

I tend to be very conservative in every area of my life but for this project – NOT!

Then take a look at my plan that morphed into a super cool artsy table that was definitely outside of my conservative zone. It’s the video I posted for my FFB members as I was deciding which direction to take this farm table.

I started in one corner and just kinda went a little crazy adding stencils everywhere until I liked the look. In a couple of spots I added a little background color and then stenciled, layering as I went along. I really had no plan. I just stenciled, took a moment contemplating and then went through my stash of stencils to find ones that I liked and thought would fit.

A little script here, swirls and flourishes there…

Artsy Table cu corner2 Artsy Table cu corner3 Artsy Table cu corner4 Artsy Table cu corner5

If you look closely, you’ll find some little words that I added to spread a little surprise encouragement like LOVE, Be You-tiful, The Earth Without Art is just MEH, etc.

My fave is CREATE. I just makes me smile.

create Beautiful

I think my favorite design combination is the edging up next to the clocks over top of my specialty, a layered painted background. It speaks to me.


An added benefit of the artsy table is a great backdrop for my decor art. The plaque below is one I created for myself while I was teaching blending to my Blueprint members. We believe that business and life in general is “better together.”

Better Together Artsy Table Bkgrnd

I have a single chair that was waiting for me to redesign it that seems to be just the right fit for my new artsy table. Do you think I should paint it a bright orange or even do some fancy paint splattering like the table?

Artsy Table Money Shot2 Corner angle Artsy Table Jars close up Artsy Table cu corner Artsy Table Money Shot full top

So do you think this table is crazy or artsy?

I have yet to decide if I’m going to keep it or put it out there to see if it will sell. I do love it. So that’s why I’m hesitant.

Tell me for real. Do you think it’s too out there? My daughter already turned her nose up at it. But different strokes for different folks, right?

I really am conservative, that’s why this one is just a little bit “out there” for my typical creative output.

But I’m always saying, “Paint outside the box,” so I guess this one really fits the bill!

Thanks for visiting, and if you’d like to join my FB group, go here: Furniture Flipping Forum. It’s FREE, so come take a look and learn a little something about furniture flipping. My webpage that has most of my furniture flipping ventures listed plus a couple of other things you might find interesting is here:


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20 thoughts on “Farm Table Turns Artsy”

  1. Love it- reminds me of the “artsy” scrapbook multi media pages we used to do 10 years ago- with gears and cogs and letters, often stamps etc. Blue and yellow are always a winning combination. if that table has been in your family for years- I’d say you’ll regret selling it. Keep it in the family for the next generation- and they’ll be saying- it’s been in the family for as far back as I can remember- can’t explain it- but looking at that table just makes me happy! Fantastic creation.

  2. Val, I love love love it! It’s fun and bright and very artsy. So unique! I don’t know if I’d be able to part with it.

  3. Hi Val! I love what you did with the farm table! I am sure that it brings you joy to have several of your project memories all rolled into one table, which is probably why you don’t want to sell it! The scale of the chair is perfect with the table. In my opinion, the table is the focal point, so the chair should not be as crazy as the table, or it will compete with it. I can see the legs orange and maybe another color for the seat. If anything you can make the back of the chair crazy because it’s a small piece of the chair and won’t take away from the table. I’m thinking maybe a mini print on the seat, like the script stencil. I love it. Anyhow, it’s just my opinion, what I would do. Thanks! Sara

  4. I ❤️ it! It’s so fun(ky) and the colors are beautiful. I admire your stepping out of your comfort zone with this. That’s one of the hardest things for me to do. I would keep it if I were you, and as far as the chair goes, I’d do the “splattery look” on one part of it (maybe the seat?) to tie it in with the table. Thanks for sharing – it inspires me. ?

  5. Do I think this table is crazy? ABSOLUTELY!! I LOVE IT!! 🙂 I often have the internal battle of painting what will sell quickly or painting what my heart wants. It’s a tough call sometimes. Maybe I need to do a crazy spirit piece like this to satisfy my artsy side. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  6. I love creative, different from the norm, kinds of things. You did a wonderful job on this and I’m sure it made your heart sing. I would keep this as a reminder of what you can give yourself permission to do. I think you can create many others of this style and sell them very quickly. Personally, I get a little tired of the same old, same old. This new look is spot on in my opinion. Congratulations on letting your hidden spirit and the Spirit speak to you!


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