Old Tissue Box Revived – Spray Paint Season is Here!


I first wrote this in the beginning of 2015,

and the technique has become quite popular,

so I'm playing it again, Sam...



Another consignment shop find has found itself at the end of my spray paint can. I do enjoy spray painting - it's quick and requires no top coat. It doesn't fit every scenario, but once in a while it's the best choice.


Spray paint season is once upon us and so let the games begin...


While dropping off STUFF...you know that STUFF that sat in your basement for years wondering if they'd ever turn into a "real piece of decor," I found this cool little tissue box holder slathered in hand painted foofy flowers. Not really my style, but I could picture it painted.


I had done something similar to what was floating around in my head on an antique table for my daughter. It was one of those projects where you gave the piece to a family member and then helped them re-do it - and then AFTER you were done with your DIY you said, "Ugh, what was I thinking?

When I saw this tissue box, I knew it would look good with the same type of re-do. Here is the before pics...

Tissue Box Spray Paint Re-do


I paid $5.00 for it.


Tissue Box Spray Paint Re-do


It's obviously hand painted, and my Mom thought I was nuts for wanting to cover up this artwork. BUT, what can I say? I have a different vision.


Tissue Box Spray Paint Re-do


I took a sanding sponge to it and then spray painted the drawers first with (afflink) Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch Spray Paint, Satin Nutmeg as a back drop for my fabric.


Tissue box re-do


I used (afflink) Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch 2X Spray, Satin Dark Walnut for the body of the box to offset the tan.

Tissue box re-do


I used the same fabric for the face of the drawers that I used on the antique night stand last August that I bought at (aff link) JoAnn Fabrics. (afflink) ModPodge is a great tool for transforming a piece of furniture or accessory. The tutorial is HERE for covering the drawer faces with fabric using (afflink) ModPodge.

Tissue box re-do
Tissue box re-do


If you've never given (afflink) ModPodge a try, go out there and buy some. Find a tutorial and a project from here or Pinterest, or someone else's blog and try it for yourself!


Honestly, it's the best thing since sliced bread. 


I don't think Thomas Jefferson used Kleenex, but if he did, I can totally see him using this box for his tissues! I love the Old World look, and I think ol' Tom would agree this turned out very well.


Tissue Box Revived {Love My DIY Home}


Tissue Box Re-do After Pic

I couldn't decide where I was going to put it, so I tried it in several different places in my house...the guest master, guest master bathroom, our master bathroom, etc. My DH said,


"You know, you really need to consider selling some of your DIY decor, our house can only hold so much."

Challenge accepted...

Tissue Box Re-do After Pic

The candle lamp (above left) is from my daughter's DIY project. It was oh, so easy. That stays.

Tissue Box Re-do After Pic

This is a nice addition to my master bath.


If you'd like to take a look at a Guest Master Bedroom makeover there is also a FREE Guest Room check list for you to download. Do you have a guest room? Have you made it warm and inviting?


Thanks for stopping by - please leave a comment and tell me about your ModPodge projects.


I read each comment and really do value your input.

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15 thoughts on “Old Tissue Box Revived – Spray Paint Season is Here!”

  1. At first I thought how can this pretty box be any prettier than it already is. Then the first picture of the beige paint going over it, I thought ugg. But the final result is amazing. Once again, dear friend, you have produced a lovely makeover!

    • Mary-Margaret, LOL, my mom said the same thing. I’m not really into florals, but she is. She and I have the opposite taste in decor! But, I think the Old World style is pretty popular with most.

  2. I love it! I don't think I would have seen such potential in such a humble little piece, but you did a fablulous job of transformation! I especially love how nice the knobs stand out now. I am so inspired. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks, Karen. That tissue box has been hanging around here for a couple of months, shouting at me every time I walked by, “Paint me!” I was so glad when spring finally came and I could get out my spray paint! I saw your little garden you are growing. We’re just getting our seeds in dirt this week – Wisconsin finally decided to encourage us with a little bit of sunshine and decent temps this week. Hope your little garden grows!

  3. I love your DIY projects! I have used Mod Podge for years and love it. I love all things Outlander/Scottish, and would love to do 'something" in pages from a paperback edition of the book with pictures I've saved from various media. I think I'm about to create something new for me. A way to blend my Scottish heritage into my decor. I will be back here a lot to check in on your creativity, too!


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