[VIDEO] A Cat Condo for 2 – Part 2

This is the second video in my Cat Condo for 2 series.

Click the link to see the first video, Cat Condo for 2 Part 1 where I show you the beginning stages of this redesign. I didn't my first attempt, so I started over - I'm inviting you to come along as this dresser turns into my Mia and Max's beautiful Cat Condo for 2.

In this video, I show you how I changed course from my original plan of using a green distressed look to a much better design using completely different paint colors and techniques: raised stenciling, stenciling, and color blending. If in doubt...don't. Sometimes we don't like the course we are on and need to change it. Just do it. You'll be happier in the end.

To see the first part of this project go to "A Cat Condo for Two, Part One".

Next up: Decorating the drawer, blending and stenciling the top, and the embellishing of the raised stenciled motifs.

See you next week!

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