Antique Door Hall Tree Part 1 – THE DOOR

#sponsored post   About 4 years ago… We bought several doors at an auction house that had been stripped off a house that was being torn down. The house was over 100 years old and falling apart.   Here is one, How to Upcycle an Antique Door Part One and How to Upcycle an Antique Door Part Two that I upcycled a while ago with spray paint and regular paint, making it into a hall tree that now sits in my entry way. It’s one of my favorite project to date.   Today I show you another project with another door from that house, but upcycled differently – different paint, different techniques, different colors.   THE BEFORE MATERIALS (RED indicates affiliate links for your convenience) Old Fashioned Milk Paint Snow White Old Fashioned Milk Paint Marigold Yellow Old Fashioned Milk Paint Salem Red Scotts Rags Polyvine Wax Finish Flat Varnish Robe … Read more

“Augusta” Coffee Table Opts for an Old-World Style

#sponsored Different Products, Different Techniques, Same Old-World Look Augusta, a long coffee table, was originally part of a trio – her children were refinished in an old world style but with different products. See Cora and Nora’s transformation here.   I only have one before picture and it’s of Nora, the matching end table:     Augusta and her 2 matching pieces came home with us from an estate sale two summers ago. They were crammed into our van, taken home and sat in our basement for more than a year waiting to be given new life. No one else wanted the three pieces. I set my price, made my bid and got them easier than I expected.   I had no problem envisioning how I wanted them to look. From the start knew I would split them up and do some experimenting. The first set, the end tables, Cora … Read more

Did someone saaayyy, “Bombe”?

#sponsored     My DD tagged me on a FB bombé chest ad. So we drove out to take a look. As I was looking at it, the lady told me she kept getting “no shows” and was so tired of people saying they’d come by to take a look and then never show or message her. She took $10 off just because she was happy I showed up!           They just don’t show up. I’ve experienced that same thing over and over too. Hundreds on our Forum tell the same tale. People message me and say they are coming to buy a piece and then don’t show up. Only one out of half a dozen lately bothered to let me know something came up or they changed their mind. Not long after my DH’s knee surgery, I had two people make appointments to buy three … Read more

Steam Punk Mixed Media Nightstand for DH

#sponsored   While shopping at a Restore in MI We happened upon their 50% off furniture day. I found a three drawer nightstand that would be perfect for my DH’s (darling hubby) side of the bed. I already had one that I had repainted for my side of the bed and he had my mom’s little antique table that wasn’t nearly big enough for him and all his junk…all his precious possessions.   He needed drawers to hide all his stuff, so this at $20 fit the bill.   And of course I have to start with the before:     There is so much to tell about about this one. Lot’s of improvisation, creativity, and experimentation was called for, and I’m glad it turned out well because it was for my DH’s Christmas gift.   I used a ton of resources for this project – I’ll list links below, … Read more

A Christmas Gift for Jillian

  My DD, Jillian, is my Social Media Specialist for my furniture flipping business and is way under paid. Picture her holding up a sign that says, “I work for paint.” Not to mention the patience her DH, Taylor, has shown in regard to her time spent on the forum. So I figured I’d grab one of the pieces she’s hinted that she’d like to have one day with a, “So…what do you plan to do with that piece?”  We find so many cool pieces, and she spends so much time on my social media accounts, how could I not paint her something for Christmas? So here is the “before.” Nothing special, just an old outdated three tiered plant stand. BUT, “nothing special” can be so easily turned into, “This is amazing,” with a little paint and creativity.   BEFORE   I never did get any ideas out of her … Read more

MCM End Table {Love My DIY Home}

An MCM Road Rescue by the DH

#sponsored DH brought home a side of the road freebie last summer. 14 months ago I cleaned and sanded it. A few months ago I primed it. Just yesterday I finally got to painting it.   Go Bold or Go home, right?   So here it is in the raw…sad and unwanted, tossed out for the garbage truck. It’s a Mersman MCM. And it was Uggg-Lee.           Here is my disclaimer regarding the MCM label in case anyone cares: When researching this table, we could find nothing that placed it into the mid-century or mid-century modern category. Though Mersman tables are plenteous, there aren’t any out there like this one. So who knows? Mid-Century…Mid-Century Modern? Vintage? Antique? Either way, it’s old and not from this era. The store closed down in the mid 90s and produced more than their share of tables for around 100 years. … Read more

A Great Stocking Stuffer and a Little Bit of Christmas Nostalgia

#sponsored First I’ll tell you about this great new product and then I’ll share some of our family traditions… TopGreener offered me a couple of (afflink) USB charger receptacles to try out – and I obviously couldn’t say “No” since I love techy things. I’ve wanted these for a long time, so it was a no-brainer to review it for them. You can find them on Amazon at a decent price here.       The (afflink) USB charger receptacles would make great stocking stuffers if you’re at a loss for an interesting addition to your DH’s stocking this year.   They were super easy to put in and look very nice in our master bedroom. I have a couple of time-lapse videos for you to show you how my DH put them in. First you turn of the electricity and take out the old one:   Next put the … Read more

Pure & Original Meets HomeRight to Create a Sweet Bedroom Suite

#sponsored  NOTE: All affiliate links are in BOLD red. Gathering pieces of furniture all over town and making them all match is a huge project – but it can be fun if you have a plan. Decide what pieces you need and the sizes. Do you want them matching or of the same style? Set a budget Look for garage sales, estate sales, Craig’s List postings, etc. Patiently wait to find just right pieces. As you look for your pieces, decide on the look you are going for – search blogs, Pinterest, Facebook forums, etc. for ideas. Choose colors and buy your supplies to repair, prep, paint and protect your pieces. We had a little help HomeRight furnished the Finish Max Extra (now called the Super Finish Max) and a Large Spray Shelter. Pure & Original gave us two quarts of Classico, Silk White to paint all of Jillian’s pieces. … Read more

Mission Beautify Ivy by Saltwash and Pure & Original

#sponsored Have you tried Saltwash yet? While at the General Finishes Conference, we met the Salt Wash originator, Carol Hunter, and she gave us a 10 oz. can of Saltwash to try. Pure & Original had already given me two of their classic colors, Poetic Blue and Steel Blue, so we chose them to combine with the Saltwash.   The combination was stellar. The Saltwash gave it a unique look – one that will fit into any home from a classically traditional to Coastal, to Farmhouse. Not many designs can pull that off, but this one can.   “The Before”         “Ivy” was sitting in an abandoned house amidst piles of trash. We almost missed her. We brought her home, cleaned her up, sanded and got her ready to try out a new look. She had great bones. We named her “Ivy” because she is no longer … Read more

Jewelry Armoire Updated {Love My DIY Home}

Jewelry Armoire Update – OFMP & Modern Masters to the Rescue!

Mom’s Jewelry Armoire I’ve had my mom’s jewelry armoire since she passed nearly 3 years ago in my walk-in closet, holding all of my essential oils and all the accessories. Yes, I have that many. What can I say. I love my oils! It needed a change and I wanted to play with some of the many options we have these days for updating our furniture. So out came the Old Fashioned Milk Paint and an IOD Transfer. Here is the before – Meet Nancy (before she was beautiful) I named her Nancy after my fave aunt and she was the first one I called to let the sisters know my mom had gone on to Glory. I’ll think of the both of them when I see it. Sentimental? Yes. Supply List (Affiliate Links are in bold Salmon throughout this post for your convenience) Old Fashioned Milk Safe Paint Salmon … Read more

Love My DIY Home