DIY Cures? Is it Possible to Live Without Traditional Medical Assistance?

We’ve not had medical coverage for about 7 years.

So when I read about alternative methods in strengthening our immune system and well-being like essential oils, I wondered.

I also wonder if we have become so dependent on doctors that we forget to look for ways to heal ourselves naturally.

Here is my disclaimer – I’m not a medical doctor and I’ve not been to medical school. If you have medical issues, be sure to consult a doctor. 🙂

Is it possible? If this new healthcare dealy actually happens (or “doesn’t work” is more like it) and we find ourselves without doctors, meds, and/or hospitals, what would we do? I think it’s time we explore our options.

Ever thought about using Essential Oils?

I know, I know. Just another gimmick to have those little girly parties and make money while chatting with friends.

Well, I can’t personally guarantee essential oils will work for anyone.

I’m new to this schtick. Plus, I’m the world’s worst cynic.

So often “healthy alternatives” means “spend a lot of money and hope it works until you find out it doesn’t.”

I had a foot condition like plantar fasciitis for about a year.

There were days I had to crawl to the bathroom in the morning because my feet were in so much pain.

I wore shoes with gel supports 24/7, found no relief using over the counter pain relievers, and searched the internet for a cure. Oh boy, there are dozens of suggestions for cures, including surgery! I even read about a procedure that involved beating the bottom of the feet. Ugh. Glad that one wasn’t my cure!

A friend told me about an herbal cure that required me to wrap my feet after applying the herbal/essential oil every night.

Oh, and BTW, those set of oils cost me $90.

Yep, you guessed it. It didn’t work and I followed the instructions to a “T”.

I even broke down and used a cane a few times (shhh, don’t tell anyone, I was waaaayyy too young to be using a cane!)

It was a tough time for me, I wondered if my youth was over. Honestly. I though life as I knew it was over.

lovemydiyhome.comImage courtesy of Photokanok /

Fortunately a friend of mine brought in a small bottle of Aleve Liquid Gels-Pain Reliever and within 2 weeks my feet were almost back to normal.

After a year of walking around on feet that felt like one big bruise, I was almost pain free!

It’s my miracle drug, but I would prefer to use a more natural cure for my pain relief.

I do believe we should seek healthy alternatives to chemical based meds.

BUT, I am tired of wasting money on a “hope so” cure.

All that to introduce LIsa, The Survival Mom, and her guest writer, Julie.

Julie Behling-Hovdal wrote about using thereapeutic-grade essential oils in survival kits. Since I’ve been researching crisis survival, I’ve learned so much that I think my head is about to burst! I wonder if there is an essential oil to prevent a head from exploding…

Wait, there is! It’s called Peace and Calming! I think I need some.
Image courtesy of Michal Marcol /

Check out her post.  I found it on Survival Mom’s List of Lists.

She has a ton of great resources to know more about it. Grab a cup of coffee and get reading!

My daughter, April, and I are looking into essential oils for our family. So far I’ve used peppermint and lavender with fairly good results. I’ve always had issues with sleeping, so the lavender has helped me achieve and stay in REM sleep. The jury is still out on the peppermint – I think I’m allergic to dogs – since I’ve moved into my new house I’ve struggled with a stuffy nose. I need to look more into what essential oils to use for allergies. Have you used essential oils? What’s your take on them?

Here is a listing of Julie’s post about how essential oils should be included in your survival kit:

10 Reasons to have 9 Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils in your Survival Kit

The good news is that the oils are incredibly versatile. I have my favorite 9 oils that I share with people — therapeutic-grade lavender, peppermint, frankincense, and lemon as well as 5 essential oils blends — Thieves, Purification, Peace & Calming, PanAway, and Valor.

  1. They work great for injuries.
  2. They work great for everyday ailments or situations that could happen during a disaster or collapse scenario.
  3. They work great for infectious disease.
  4. They can replace Rx drugs in many instances. This is highly desirable for preparedness as the #1 cause of death in an economic collapse is projected to be lack of access to Rx drugs.
  5. Essential oils are Mother Nature’s medicines super-concentrated in a small, lightweight, portable bottle that can fit in your back pocket.
  6. They don’t expire if stored properly.
  7. They can also be used for hygiene and household uses.
  8. Start using them now and save money on medical expenses.
  9. Therapeutic-grade essential oils are appropriate and powerful for adults, children, teens, babies, the elderly, even pets and livestock!
  10. They smell good and deodorize things — a lot of things in a disaster or collapse scenario WON’T smell very good and would need some deodorizing!!

Of course you should still consider using the essential oils even if you are not a prepper or concerned about a future crisis. Any time we can improve our health or lifestyle with the use of a natural product, we should consider it. If the testimonials are true, essential oils could be an amazing answer to so many questions.

Julie Behling-Hovdal is a reflexologist/holistic healer and founder of Essential Survival where she teaches people how to prepare for the #1 cause of death in the event of an economic collapse – lack of access to medicines. In 2005 Julie was able to get off 4 prescription drugs and heal from a 6-year stint of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia with products from Young Living Essential Oils. Get a copy of her free report Fast Track Survival Medicines.

Lisa Bedford, author of The Survival Mom blog, has written Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios. It’s a guidebook for all the “prepper” moms keen to increase their family’s level of preparedness for emergencies and crises of all shapes and sizes.

Click here for some of Lisa’s free downloadable resources. Her blog is a great resource for those of us who want to be prepared for a family or home  crisis.

I’m in the process of putting together a medical kit – what items do you suggest besides bandaids and triple antibiotic?

Here are links to my Survival in a Crisis series:
Are you prepared for a medical crisis?

* Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you buy anything after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I receive a small commission of the sale. The cost to you is the same, and I only link to items that I think would benefit my readers. Your support of this blog is greatly appreciated!

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16 thoughts on “DIY Cures? Is it Possible to Live Without Traditional Medical Assistance?”

  1. Hi Val!

    Tim tagged me on your FB post. YES they work! I have been using essentails oils for health related issues for the past two years. My "medicine cabinet" is now essential oils. Yes it can be completely overwhelming at first and I felt like I needed to know everything at once. But I slowly relized this was just a process to learn that we do have options.

    Just a quick couple of personal testimonies…I am using essential oils to help with my hormone balance, controling my thyroid and lowering my cholesterol. All of these things have been tested with blood work and confirmed that my own personal treatment is working. I am on ZERO prescriptions. 

    If you are interested in learning more, my team does monthly free intro classes to essential oils. I'm in northern suburbs of Detroit. I am also willing to come to you if you would be interested in hosting a class. This is not a home party. It is an educational class. No obligation to buy. I am truly interested in just sharing the amazing benefits of essential oils because they have changed my life.  (I can show you how the EO can be cheaper then traditional medicine as well). 



    • Thanks, Jill. IKWYM about wanting to know it all at once – it is quite daunting! My daughter has been researching it all and passing along her info to me. I will talk with her about your offer.  If you have any websites you can recommend, we’d be interested. I will check out your website. Thanks!

  2. I used to use essential oils in my early 20s. No, as I approach 39 I am looking more into them because pharmacuticals tend to make me feel worse. Thanks for such a great post. I have a lot of friends into Young Living and find it to be a great program. But, I know there are other brands not related to direct sales that are just as good. I just need to study a bit more about what I need for my issues. I do use Tea Tree Oil quite often and find it extremely useful.

    • Crystal, what do you use Tea Tree oil for? I’ve hear others are using it too, but no one has ever elaborated. There is so much to learn about EOs!

  3. I've never used them, but I know some people love them.  I would be open to it if someone told me exactly what to do.  Thanks for linking up with the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board!

  4. I have only been using EO's about two months now, and I am already seeing them helping our family in a big way! From sleeping issues, aches and pains, eczema, and acid reflux – we are so thankful God led us to look into Essential Oils! The more I read and research, the more I find there is to learn! It's realy been fun learning about Essential Oils and how to help my family naturally. And by the way, I am the daughter of this cool blog writer. 😉

  5. I'm definitely into healing my body from the inside out. I'm currently battling Chronic Lyme and my naturopath has done more for me than all my other drs combined! I haven't tried essential oils in my healing journey, but I'm curious about them. Here via the SITS FB group. 🙂

    • Amber, you should give them a try. I’ve only used them off and on for a couple of weeks and have seen a difference. If you have trouble sleeping, give the lavender a try.


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