From Gun Cabinet to Display Cabinet – Upcycle, Don’t Toss!

We go to garage and estate sales looking for deals or just something fun for our house, our kids or to flip. I guess you could call us “PICKERS.” I don’t usually have anything in mind. I can look at something and envision something else. DH can’t do it at all. I’ll say, Oooh, wouldn’t that look good in blue with a dark glaze and he’ll say, “Ok, if you say so.” He’s learned to rely on my vision. I rely on his ability to size something up that needs repairs and know whether it’s a good buy. After all, he’s the one who will be fixing it. I’m fortunate. He’s pretty good at fixing things. We saw this gun cabinet turned shelving unit at a garage sale. I’ve always looked for narrow cabinets. Too often they are very wide and take up too much space. This one was narrow … Read more

[VIDEO] A Cat Condo for Two – Part 4

A Cat Condo for Two – Part 4 Welcome back! This is my fourth video tutorial for my project, A Cat Condo for Two. This was a big project with many different designs and techniques, so I split it up into four videos. If you’ve not seen them yet, go to the first one and make your way through. Here are the links to the first three tutorial videos: A Cat Condo for Two – Part 1 A Cat Condo for Two – Part 2 A Cat Condo for Two – Part 3 This video is a quick look at how I decorated the other side of this Cat Condo for Two. Since it’ll be in my office for the time being, I won’t see this side. It’s next to the wall, but that’s OK since I tend to move things around in my house. I took the opportunity to … Read more

[VIDEO] Part 3 – A Cat Condo for Two

A Cat Condo for Two – Part 3 Welcome to the Third “A Cat Condo for 2” Video Series! To see the first two videos in this series, A Cat Condo for 2 – Part 1 and a Cat Condo for 2 – Part 2, where I show you the first two stages of this redesign, and the changes I made when I didn’t like my first attempt. Come along with me as this dresser turns into my Mia and Max’s beautiful Cat Condo for 2. Here’s the BEFORE: In this video, I show you how I redesigned the right side of the piece: creating a decorative background, embellishing the raised stenciling with metallics, plus color blending techniques on the top and bottom drawer. The two sides of the Cat Condo are different…just for fun. When you create for yourself, it’s easier to experiment and do things differently because in … Read more

[VIDEO] A Cat Condo for 2 – Part 2

This is the second video in my Cat Condo for 2 series. Click the link to see the first video, Cat Condo for 2 Part 1 where I show you the beginning stages of this redesign. I didn’t my first attempt, so I started over – I’m inviting you to come along as this dresser turns into my Mia and Max’s beautiful Cat Condo for 2. In this video, I show you how I changed course from my original plan of using a green distressed look to a much better design using completely different paint colors and techniques: raised stenciling, stenciling, and color blending. If in doubt…don’t. Sometimes we don’t like the course we are on and need to change it. Just do it. You’ll be happier in the end. Some of the Products Used in this Project: Retique It Gothic Grey, Spiced Cider, Willow, Camelot & Midnight Black Ultratique All-in-One Paint Retique It Royal … Read more

[VIDEO] A Cat Condo for 2 – Part 1

A Cat Condo for Two – Part 1 Originally I had a little kitty tower that I created for my cat, MIA that sat next to me in my office where she would be with me during the day and hopefully curtail her walking on my keyboard as I worked. For the most part it was a great fix, and we both enjoyed being together most of the day, though she often asserted herself when she felt it was time to feed her by walking back and forth in front of me as I typed. I’m a totally obsessed cat lady, so when we got a second cat, MAX, from the shelter, I had to do something different for my office. More on that in the video… MIA was one of three sisters dumped at our vet’s. I’d not had a cat in YEARS, so it was a real treat … Read more

The Cobbler’s Children Have No Shoes

Too often I hear of furniture artists who have been putting off refinishing or redesigning their own furniture…so focused on the business of painting other people’s pieces, they neglect their own home. I determined a long time ago to not be the one who personifies the saying, “The cobbler’s children have no shoes.” I want to walk from room to room smiling as I see my own works of art. This video is a walk through of our home where you can see several of my own pieces of furniture art. I don’t have every piece the way I want them, for I got very tired of the wood look everywhere, but I’m making great headway. I still have two end tables, a highboy to paint and dresser to finish for my home, along with a new set of nesting tables I’ve not decided whether I’ll keep or sell. I … Read more

4 Sided Decor Tin for Staging

A DIY 4 Sided Decorator Tin for Staging Furniture  Combining Saltwash, Retique It Ultratique, & Southern Blenders   I created a DIY decor series for my Blueprint members a while ago. This is one of the projects I included and I’m sharing it today with you to encourage you to do a bit of DIY to help your bottom line. Ya know…there are more ways to make money besides raising our prices, like finding ways to cut our expenses. Save some $$ by creating your own staging decor. This tin is just one example of a really inexpensive piece you can change with paint – or in this case, paint and Saltwash. Click the picture below and it will take you to the tutorial on my YouTube channel where you can find more tutorials and reviews. Do you DIY? If so, what have you done? Leave a comment and tell … Read more

[VIDEO] Product Review – Phone Camera Lens Kit by Isaac Jones

Isaac has been working with me creating videos for 5 years now. Believe it or not, his first set of videos were when he was 12. He helped me put together a course for kids, demonstrating how to redesign furniture – CREATIVE KIDS FURNITURE ART. He was pretty amazing back then – but now? WOW. He’s a pro at age 17. This video is his review of tiny little lenses you can add to your phone to enhance your photos. In my case, I use them when I stage my redesigned furniture. I’ve bought and or downloaded several products, apps and programs he’s recommended because he takes the time to learn them and finds the ones that are the best price for the quality. Take a look. If you love photography and would like to take some cool shots or need to extend the usability of your phone, this kit might … Read more

Fall Tablescape {Love my DIY Home}

Fall Tablescape – Seven Days of Tips 7

What about the kids? Until now, I’ve shown you MY fall tablescapes. Today I’m going to share some links from other sites. I just saved you a couple of hours searching online for ideas. I don’t want to give away my plan for this year but suffice it to say that our kids table is going to be as interesting as the adult table – and much more fun! It will be my focus this year. Win big with ลุ้นรางวัลใหญ่กับ UFABET คาสิโนออนไลน์ where every spin can change your fortune. Let’s consider “kid boredom.” While we are finishing up the mashed potatoes and whipping out the gravy lumps, the kids are thinking, “I’m going to starve to death!” I suppose the big kids (our DHs) are probably thinking the same thing. If you give them some appetizers and games all their own, you will not only make them happy, but give … Read more

Fall Tablescape – Seven Days of Tips 6

Cohesiveness cohesive [koh-hee-siv] adjective cohesiveness, noun 1. characterized by or causing cohesion : a cohesive agent. 2. cohering or tending to cohere; well-integrated; unified: a cohesive organization.   Find your most prominent shape – in this case, circle, and carry it throughout your tablescape. Use what you already have. Use colorful items as accents. Add items from the great outdoors. Use candles. Lots of candles. Get creative and use different colors, textures and shapes. Add a little silver or gold spray paint for some glam. Vary heights and layer. Carry the prominent shape throughout     Here I chose a leafy tablecloth to extend the fall theme across the table and under the round tableware.   Cohesiveness.   When your guests sit down at your table, you want their eyes to travel – see the round pumpkin, on a round pedestal near a round candle in a round holder? Off … Read more

Love My DIY Home