Lettuce Flower Arrangement – Use What You Have
The Most Unexpected Flower Arranging Item I grew zinnias and asters and brought them inside with my hydrangias. I planted a bunch of other stuff out in my garden. One of the things that I regrow is lettuce and celery from store bought. The lettuce will regrow once, typically, and the celery will keep growing even when you cut it. I’ve been experimenting. Crazy Lettuce I bought lettuce from Aldis and replanted it once it started regrowing (read details here). Once it was out on my deck and I cut what I wanted, I just let it grow to see what would happen. It kinda went crazy and it grew funny spirals out the top. Cut Here When I cut my flowers to bring inside I just happened to look out and see what had become of that lettuce that was going wild. I went out and cut the spirals … Read more