Cyber Monday Starts NOW

I’m going to keep it simple. If you want to learn to become an ace at creating furniture art…if you want to learn how to sell that furniture art…come join the Blueprint. I have the best deal of the year right now – $100 off the regular GOLD plan. One year for one low price of tutorials, videos (over 200), lists, links, step-by-steps, product reviews, explanations, etc. I’m not really sure why I put it so low other than the fact that everybody needs FFB. Go here to see what the Blueprint is all about, just click here: It’s my invitation to you to become the pursuer of dreams, the accomplished artist, the skilled marketer and a leader in furniture flipping world. I have 2 great bonuses you can grab ’till Sunday night. Yes, the $100 off deal is still good through Cyber Monday, midnight, but the bonuses go … Read more

Are You Ready to Become a PRO Furniture Artist?

    Have you dreamed about growing your redesign and marketing skills and/or wondered how to gain the confidence you need to get to the next level? Black Friday – Cyber Monday Furniture Flipping Blueprint Gold plan will be at an amazing price for all new and returning members. It’s time to plan for 2022 to be a record year and do great things! What is the Blueprint? It’s an online manual, a membership, for furniture artists where they can learn A to Z furniture flipping. Are you ready to stop scrolling, trying to find answers, and get down to business? Go here to find out more about the Blueprint:  Why would I ever consider being mentored by Val Frania? Who is she anyway?   Why is FFB an investment in my self and how will it help me in 2022? Who else has been a member of the Blueprint? … Read more

[VIDEO] Background & Stenciling Script Tips

So so SO many furniture artists forget that their furniture is no different than a painter’s canvas. Learn a few very easy techniques and you can WOW your audience. We need to do something to stop those scrollers and sell our furniture! In this video I’ll tell you about my favorite background technique and how I add script for an old-world look. Backgrounds add interest – not just one or two colors, but from one to many will create an uncommon artsy look. It’s great for under stenciling or even a transfer. Use it to create an old-world look, weathering, etc., or even just for a look of whimsy by using dramatic or contrasting colors. You get to decide. Plus, I explain the best way to stencil script onto your piece – method matters. The BEFORE We found the tables in a jam-packed salvage type of thrift shop. Removing the … Read more

[VIDEO] Sanding and Stripping a Finish Tips

When do you sand and when should you strip? One or the other or both? First you need to give each a try, sanding and stripping, to become comfortable so it’s easy to know which is best for the job you have to do. Pick a small piece and give it a go! If you’ve never done it before, basic prep can be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be. Here’s a short look at both methods using a Rigid random orbital with a dust bag and Soy Gel Coatings Remover, formerly known as Soy Gel. Thanks for visiting. I have lots of opportunities for you to learn furniture redesign and marketing, both free and paid, that will help you along in your journey to become a confident furniture flipper. I have a bunch of ways to follow me and my escapades listed below. Have a great weekend and happy painting! … Read more

[VIDEO] Have you learned how to blend yet?

NEW TECHNIQUES CAN BE INTIMIDATING Sometimes we are intimidated by a new technique or one we’ve seen others do so well. Intimidation usually comes when we see something we like but have no idea how they did it – or it could be a lack of confidence in our abilities. But really, once we find out how and try it a few times, it becomes less intimidating. There are a few techniques that aren’t easily mastered, and blending is one that most will say was a bit difficult to get down. BUT, that’s no reason not to try! I’ve created a video for you showing a few different ways to get you started learning to blend. Grab some paint and give it a try. If nothing else, you’ll be less intimidated and have some fun. Give it a whirl. Be brave! Let me know how it goes and if you … Read more

Drips & Brush Strokes No More!

Do you stress over brush strokes? Do you fight with drips? I have a couple of methods for avoiding drips and brush strokes. Getting to know your paint, your brushes and your own way of doing things goes a long way to achieving the finish you desire. It takes practice, but once you get it down, you’re good. Here’s a video of one of my three methods I use to avoid brush strokes and drips, and flawless finish: Let me know if you have questions! Blessings,

New Pop-Up ESCAPE ROOM on Facebook – DIY DECOR

COME LEARN SOME STUFF Since I mentor furniture flippers, accumulating staging props to use in photos for listings can be a big issue. So I like to help with every area of the flipping process to help members save money and increase profits. We can make our own decor and save $ – our bottom line isn’t only affected by the profit we make on a piece of furniture, but also on our expenses. So, the more staging decor we acquire easily and cheaply, the better.   NEW POP-UP GROUP ON FACEBOOK THE ESCAPE ROOM – DIY Staging Decor is open and ready for you. You can click the  name and it will take you there so you can sign up and reserve your spot. It’s going to be fun! I’m busily working on projects to share with you. It starts September 28, but you can join in on the … Read more

Tips to Save Your Paint Brushes from Dying

Yes, I said, “dying,” not “drying.” But it’s pretty much the same, isn’t it? But maybe not… I’ve been painting for many years, so I’ve run into issues with brushes. Paint getting into the ferrule, hairs falling out and drying in the paint, dust, globs, contamination, paint drying in the brush. You name it, I’ve experienced it. But fortunately I learn from my mistakes and can share solutions with you. In my Random Furniture Flipping Tips Video Series, I have a few that might be helpful to you. Here’s #74 & 87 from that series. I’m working on a bonus for my Blueprint members where I’m posting all of my brush reviews and tips for September’s bonus and ran across these tips thinking they might help you as you paint your decor and furniture. Have you joined FFB yet? Enrollment is closing soon, so, don’t wait. My tips videos are … Read more

Want to Become a Mixologist?

Need Inspiration? Nothing inspires me more than the thought of playing with paint and the different techniques to create an amazing design but without knowing about The Importance Of Paint Removal, the results could be catastrophic. As you may already know, I have a store called Furniture Flipping Market that has all sorts of great products for the furniture artist. I’m always looking for new ways to make your furniture flipping and decor creating journey more fun and easy. That’s part of the reason for FFM. I’m working at making it a one-stop-shop for my online friends. I’m super excited about a new product in FFM – Colorants! Have you considered tinting your own products rather than buying quarts of every color out there? If you’d like to see a project I just did using these, go to last week’s post, My Double Flipped Dresser. Sneak peek below: Here’s another … Read more

My Double Flipped Dresser

Occasionally I will buy a piece that another furniture artist has listed that they couldn’t sell. They will put it up for sale super cheap. 90% of the time there is something wrong with it like water damage or messed up drawers that they didn’t address in their redesign. Those things will discourage buyers and then they get  stuck with a piece that they put effort into that doesn’t sell. Most hate keeping pieces around and will give up and get rid of it to cut their losses. I watch for that scenario and if the piece is solid, just not up to par, I’ll grab it. This happened with this piece. I bought it for $40 on Marketplace. There were some details that hurt its saleability, but it had good hardware and was a brand that said, “quality”.   The BEFORE: Looks good, right? So why was it for … Read more

Love My DIY Home