Create Your Own Flexible Appliques

I’ve talked about creating your own appliques using paper clay and hot glue. Today I wil show you a fairly new product that will give you the same type of applique as the most used, paper clay, but without the cracking and lack of flexibility. It’s quite pricey compared to other products, but if you are wanting to create your own appliques that are flexible, this is a great solution. Here’s a link to buy Form Flex Compound. I’ve not found it on Amazon yet, but one ay hope to carry it in my shop: Furniture Flipping Market. Recently my FFB members and I tried it it out and found it to be a very good product.   Form Flex Compound is used much the same way as the paper clay.   Step #1 – Lightly dust the mould with cornstarch and remove the extra before adding the Form Flex … Read more

Outdoor Paint Projects Can Be Tricky

Have you ever painted an outdoor project? Did it last? I’ve done it a few times and have discovered a great product that has held up well. Every couple of years I reapply the poly to my hand-painted picnic table and have been happy to see that my painted design has held fast and still looks great. You can find Polytique It Exterior TopCoat @ Furniture Flipping Market. On Instagram you can find lots of my tips – I post them occasionally to help you with the little things that make a big difference. I would have never occurred to me that I would have to seal every inch if I’d not been told to do so by the manufacturer. It was kind of like a “duh” moment when I heard the tip. Of course I should seal it all…I just hadn’t thought of it. Get art from Mystik River … Read more

Product TIPs for the Furniture Flipper and Decor Creator!

I’ve been working on recording tips for those of you who want to grow your skills in redesign and marketing. You can find all of them here: 100 Random Furniture Flipping Tips Video Series >>> I have Tips #83, 84, 93, 94,96, 99 & 100 for you today – Products That Make Your Life Easier! But for now, come view a compilation of some products you can find on Amazon (afflinks below the video) that may just lighten your load a little and make room to enjoy your creativity more. Kneeling Pad: Knee Pads: Work Stool/Creeper: Canvas Dropcloth: Bed Risers: Scrubs: Paint Coveralls: Bent Brush: Zipwall: NOTE: Be sure to check around for better quality or priced products – the ones I listed in the video are not necessarily recommended by me; they are just shown as examples. Some of these products … Read more

Problem Solved – No More Fuzzies in My Topcoat!

CHALLENGE #1 My first really big challenge years ago was applying poly to give me a smooth even look. When light reflects on a piece, we want it to look consistent without drag. Drag is when the poly dries before you come back over for the next strip of poly and you see stripes because you “dragged over” the poly when it had already started to dry. It took me about 2 weeks to figure it out after searching for the answer and then it was smooth sailing from that point on. That two weeks I went to sleep thinking about it and woke up thinking about it. I’m like that. I HAVE to figure it out. I now use a damp sponge or sponge brush to apply and use a product that is easy to work with. I now carry it in my online store, Furniture Flipping Market. I … Read more

Storing Tools Tip

Tips from seasoned furniture artists and those experienced in marketing can make a big difference. The things we consistently do every day become habits that we don’t have to think about. That’s the place we want to be. We want to know all the little things that make life easier so we can focus on our creative pursuits. Isaac, my grandson, is pretty amazing when it comes to fixing things and using tools, so I enlisted him to share some of his knowledge. It doesn’t hurt that he enjoys doing videos with me either. I’m all for family getting involved. Three years ago he created the Creative Kids Furniture Art Course. Perhaps your kids need something to do this summer? I’ll be posting more in the future. It’s the little things that make all the difference. Here’s Isaac… Do you have a tip you want to share? Leave one in … Read more

A Headboard Redesign w/ Brushes Overview

Do you ever get a chance to paint for yourself? I try to, but it’s kinda like the “Cobbler’s children have no shoes,” for most furniture flippers. This headboard has sat around waiting for me for about 3 or 4 years. It’s massive. And now, it’s almost ready for my master suite. Here’s the “before”. Here are steps 1-3:   STEP #1  Repair & Clean We couldn’t get it up the two flights of stairs because it was too tall and ceilings got in the way. So DH had to cut off the end pieces and reassemble them. He used L brackets so they can easily be taken apart in the future. Hats off to him for repairing it so well and figuring out the best way to take it apart and put it back together. STEP #2  Prime with STIX. STIX isn’t a regular primer that covers stains or … Read more

Furniture Flipping Market Coming Soon!

A few years ago there was a lady who commented on one of the posts on Furniture Flipping Forum, my FB group, that the original poster should try Retique It. Since I have a “No self-promotion” rule in the group, I messaged Michele and asked if she was the CEO of Retique It. She told me she as, but I was curious and asked her for a link to her product that she was promoting in my group. Honestly, I usually just delete and tell them we have the rule. But I’d seen the product mentioned once or twice before and I wanted to know what it was. So she gave me a link and I went exploring. Michele offered to send me some of the product to try and I said, “OK.” I tried it and liked it and have been promoting it every since. If product is good … Read more

Does Your Paint Get Goobers?

This week we’re talking about your paint, not about local painting companies philadelphia , but how to keep it from drying out, having flakes of rust in it, and having those annoying little things we call paint goobers. Do you know what I’m talking about with paint goobers – the globs that can form in there when the paint starts to dry out? I have cans of paint that are three, four, five years old, and they’re just as good as when I first got them. So let’s talk about the paint we use for our projects. You’ve probably heard several things about how people care for their paint, so let’s run over those real quick. We have some people that store their paint upside down to keep the air out of the can. I don’t do that because I don’t like paint on my lid. And to me, it’s … Read more

Brushes Matter

Let’s Talk Brushes Over the years I have collected so many different kinds and I thought I would share some of my favorites with you. I don’t think I could do anything the way I do it without them.  I bet you have heard it said that it’s not the paint brush, it’s the painter. While there is some credence in that, you know, I could probably take any paintbrush and get any job done, but how much frustration would I go through because I don’t have the right brush? Years ago when we bought our house, I had a friend come over to help me paint my mom’s apartment, which is now my workshop. When we were painting it, a friend came over and she was quite an experienced painter. She said, “Get yourself a nice paintbrush. You know, you could paint this with the brush you have, but … Read more

Which Sander is the Best? – Product Review by James Thomas

Choosing the Right Sander NOTE from Val: We’ve had more than a couple of dozen inquiries as to which sander is the best, so James Thomas from offered to give us a run-down. I’ve included photos and my Amazon affiliate links of each type of sander before each description. They are not my recommendations, only for reference. For James’ recommendations with links, you’ll find them at the end of this article. Here’s James… Craft markers and artists use a variety of power tools to create their artworks, and one of the most common power tools is the sander. The sander uses sandpaper, attaching it on the base of the power tool to smoothen the edges of a material that the artist is working on. 

There are multiple types of the sander, and one should be familiar with these devices to use them more efficiently. When someone masters the use … Read more

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