Pallet Project – DIY Deck Island

While in Virginia visiting our DD and SIL, we worked on a couple of projects – an island made out of pallets and a rocking chair painted with homemade chalk paint. This is a tutorial on the DIY Deck Island. Project List (affiliate links): Hammer 3″ Deck Screws Cordless Drill Pry Bar Spray Paint Glue 2x4s Ceramic Tile DIY Deck Island Since pallets come in all different sizes, we won’t give you exact measurements, since it would do you no good anyway. BUT, I am giving you detailed pictures and will try to answer any questions you may have – just leave them in a comment. Find two pallets that are the same size. Pry off pieces that you won’t use, carefully. Build a Frame with 2×4’s. Keep in mind what size you will need the frame to be in order to accommodate the size of tile you plan to … Read more

Easy DIY Rescue of a Damaged Side Table

A Simple Solution for a Damaged Side Table What do you do with a side table that has a damaged surface? Years ago I bought this blonde side table at a garage sale for a few dollars and put it beside our bed when we moved to Wausau, on my husband’s side. It was in a hallway for years, but I thought it would be nice from my DH to have it since I gave away his Aunt Emily’s table to my daughter to refinish. See her project here. Guess what? The top of the table developed some mysterious white rings and most of the top was water damaged. Don’t worry my DH, I won’t tell anyone it was you. Besides, you did me a favor! Read on… I had thought for a year that I would have to sand it down and restain it, but really didn’t like the … Read more

Fix Up That Old Piece of Furniture in the Basement – DIY Painted Bookshelf

FIX UP THAT OLD PIECE OF FURNITURE DOWN IN THE BASEMENT   My oldest daughter, April, had an old bookshelf down in her basement that she wanted to use for her homeschooling books. It looked like it had been in a circus wagon! She bought white primer and a gallon of dark brown paint from Menards and used a hand sander on the bookshelf to ready it for the primer. I was supposed to help her, but had guests on the week she wanted it done so she forged on alone. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Here is the “before” bookshelf. She sanded it, primed it, and then painted it dark brown. After April painted the bookshelf, she took a sanding sponge to it to rough it up a bit to give it the old and worn look. The Shabby Chic look is in these days. Here it … Read more

Front Room Transformation (Love My DIY Home)

Front Room Transformation

Blah…Boring….Antiseptic! The last two days I was in Virginia, my daughter Jillian and I pulled together all our furniture DIY redos, and roped Taylor, my son-in-law, into hanging the curtains, shelf, and travel posters. I used a couple of Pinterest ideas to make the jobs easier. I will post those in a couple of days. But for now, I want to show you our transformation. As you can see, the front room in the duplex consisted of three white walls with tan carpet, two windows and a door. Blah…Boring…Antiseptic! We found a used dining room table and 4 chairs in a local second hand shop for $200. That in itself brought hominess into the front room. Though we mostly used deco she already had, we went out to Kohls and Ross to find accent pieces to pull it all together. We found a large clock that was originally $150 on … Read more

Redecorate easily with paint and a little imagination | Love My DIY Home

Small Changes, Big Result – Furniture and Room Accessories Transformed

I took an old deacon’s bench to Jillian out in Virginia. After Taylor, my son-in-law, re-assembled it, he didn’t like it in their front room, nor did I. But Jillian insisted it stay for memories’ sake. She said, “I don’t care that it’s country looking, It’s from my childhood and I like it.” Her dad made it, so that was enough for her. Sometimes memories are stronger than decorator savvy. She doesn’t decorate in country, nor do I any more, so we had to do something to make it fit. Here it is the “before” picture: So, since my mantra lately has been, “Just spray paint it,” I will now show you the “after” picture – I’m sure it will be no surprise to you all! Click here to view the post that tells you how we prepped and painted it. She used Rustoleum’s Painter’s Touch 2x Coverage Satin Espresso. … Read more

Old Baby Dresser into Master Bedroom Lingerie Chest & Matching Desk DIY

OLD BABY DRESSER TRANSFORMS INTO MASTER BEDROOM LINGERIE CHEST   Get Creative With That Old Unused Furniture Don’t give that old crummy dresser away! A couple of years ago just after my daughter was married, she called me up and said, “What are you going to do with that old baby dresser I used to have in my room?” Translated, that means, “I need a dresser and I can’t afford to buy one. Can I have your old junky one?”   As a mom, you need to learn to read between the lines when you get those calls. Since I have an emotional attachment to that old thing, I told her, “Umm, I don’t think so.” She of course knows how to read in between my lines as well. She knew it meant, “I’m attached; I have no idea why I’d like to keep it, but you can’t have it.” … Read more

Re-purpose Old Chairs

  Re-purposing Old Chairs More on my Porch Decor series… Often when you buy things at auctions they offer a smattering of this and that hoping to snag you on one item just to get rid of a dozen others. Some days my husband announces he won an auction and lists the different things in the grouping. It’s not uncommon for him to submit a low ball bid just to see if he can win. (I think it’s a sickness we’ve both contracted!) There is usually only one thing he wants in the group. If he wins, he brings the whole lot home and asks me if I want any of the extra stuff. Recently he won an auction that had 3 old chairs – dusty grimy old chairs that would only be valuable to someone wanting to have a bon fire… or a DH DIYer (die hard do it … Read more

Love My DIY Home