OFMP Ethan Allen Coffee Table Updated {Love My DIY Home}

Ethan Allen Coffee Table Stars in “The Taming of the Shrew”

#sponsored post It looked like an easy flip… Have you ever had a DIY project that you just wanted to throw out the window, chop it up with an ax and then burn it to make sure it was totally eradicated from your memory?   Beware of the “easy” ones… There’s a little consignment shop about 45 minutes from us that we go to occasionally to look for furniture to flip. The prices are reasonable, usually, so it’s worth the trip. Of course visiting their other little shops and burger joint doesn’t hurt the experience either. We found an Ethan Allen coffee table that looked like an easy flip, so we grabbed it and brought it home. (It’s the “EASY” ones you need to watch out for.)   DH found one similar online at Etsy – ZBrothers Furniture, so I’m guessing the added white was either special order or just … Read more

Wicker File Cabinet Re-purposed to a Paint Cart

Here is a quick example of how you can re-purpose those garage sale finds inexpensively and easily. No muss. No fuss. Just a can of spray paint, black glaze and a sponge paint brush turned this wicker file cabinet into something useful. Wicker isn’t very popular any more and you will find wicker everything out in garage sales for just a dollar or two. I bought this one at a garage sale for $2 this summer. STEP #1 Spray with Rustoleum Painters Touch spray paint. Pick a color, any color. STEP #2 Dab, wipe or brush on glaze – all over, including the metal bars. I used Wise Owl black glaze using a sponge brush. You can use a regular sponge, brush or even a paper towel. Just use what you have on hand. No need to be particular, just have at it! I took about 30 seconds to brush … Read more

FREE Dresser Gets an Upgrade – Wowzers!

You might remember a while ago when I featured the series, “Keeping Up With the Joneses.” Here are a few of the posts about my DD, April’s, house flip: The Kitchen Before – Gunk everywhere, three layers of ugly linoleum, and the walls…indescribable! Kitchen Demolition – Even the kids got involved in ripping the kitchen apart. Who says reno isn’t fun! Preparing the Walls  – Fixing holes and smoothing out the walls…the polkadots and red paint must go! From Polluted to Pleasing  – Ever walked into a room and felt your health was at risk? The Floors Won’t Dry – High humidity? Bad polyeurethane? Did we apply it too soon or do it wrong? Lose Those Ugly Floors – The stains and gouges make you think there is no hope. But then it all comes together. WOW! There is more to do and more on the blog, but for now, … Read more

Side Table Given New Life – Old Fashioned Milk Paint Company

#Sponsored Post Salvaging the Past We found an antique parlor table at an auction in Stevens Point. It was one of those days that turned out to be very profitable. We got good prices and I fed my furniture flipping addiction. Many things didn’t sell that day, and we watched as the auctioneer helpers tossed dozens of unpurchased items in the dumpster. It was sad to watch. We left with a van full of great furniture for our new FB store The Red Shed. My SIL and DH had the privilege of loading the van while my DD and I stood and watched. Supplies (most are affiliate links for your convenience) Krud Kutter Java Gel Old Fashioned Milk Paint Extra Bond Acriglaze This table needed help. Not only was it old and in need of repair, but it was just plain messed up. I could easily see its potential so … Read more

Weeds for Sale – Dirt Cheap! A Fun Garden Sign

  Weeds 4 Sale – Dirt Cheap! DH replaced the steps leading to our basement, so I took the old boards and painted a sign for the garden – my “step garden” behind my garage. I’ll show you the before and afters of that later, but for now, here is how I did my sign (super easy): 1. Grab a board, any board. I used an old one with chippy paint – very rustic and not good for much else. 2. Hand draw your wording – you don’t have to be perfect. Just write it on and paint the letters with black paint and a little paint brush. I saw this saying on Pinterest – by Shelley at Sow and Dipity. She has so many really cute signs.   3. Take some sand paper and rough it up a bit to make it consistently “worn looking.”   4. Add a … Read more

DIY Pot Rack – Pendant Lights or Industrial Wood?

Caution: This is a really looonnng post – first the background story of a win/loss/win, 2 sets of before and afters and a detailed description of the final DIY project! It all started with a giveaway… I Won a Pendant Light! Back in January C.D. Loken at CD’s Country Living had a giveaway and I won: “In honor of CD’s Country Living’s blogging anniversary, Parrot Uncle generously agreed to send one lucky winner this LARGE (18.11 x 9.06) Retro-Industrial Light with Pot cover shade ($45 value)!” Best Laid Plans Today I can finally tell you about it. It was a long time in coming… Parrot Uncle asked me if I’d like to have a second pendant light for my kitchen to go along with the one I won in CD’s giveaway. After a few back and forth emails, we settled on the pair of lights that were just like C.D.s … Read more

Direct Composting {Love My DIY Home}

Direct Composting – Improving Garden Soil

No Bin No Way We considered buying a rotating compost bin for our garden to use scraps from the kitchen to improve our garden soil, but they were all pricey and I didn’t like the idea of having to dump our scraps into a stinky bin and having to turn it to keep it aerated. You may call it lazy, but I call it efficient. My schedule is so tight, I’m all about quick and easy with few steps in between. Plus, we have a lot of winter here in Wisconsin and I don’t like tromping through the snow! I did a search (naturally!) and came up with the term “direct composting,” or “trench composting.” Basically you just dig a trench in your garden and dump in your scraps and bury them. Easy peasey! We tried it last year and it WAS easy and this year when we dug the … Read more

A Family Dresser Rescue – April FFFC

Fab Flippin’ Furniture Contest “Pure Colors, Original Elegance” Preserving Family Memories is a Comfort to the Soul Back in 1978 we bought a set of dressers from my parents for $50 just after we were married. Years later my mom wanted them back so we traded for the set she had at the time. I’ve since given the upright dresser to my DD and kept the other for my walk in closet: Do you have reminders of your parents around the house? Have you considered the FACT that one day your loved ones will move on? Are you preparing to have a piece of them close by for memory sake? My dad passed away when I was 26 (30 years ago) and my mom a year ago.     This is the piece I chose to paint using Pure & Original paint in April’s Fab Furniture Flippin’ Contest.   Because … Read more

10 DIY Projects to Upcycle Old Picture Frames + A FREE Printable!

We downsized recently and have 4 boxes of old picture frames filled with my kid’s pictures. I don’t have much wall space in this new house, so I needed to figure out what to do with all the frames. Boxes and boxes of frames… Not only am I a Mom of Many; I am also a photographer. 15 8×10 frames of school pictures on one wall from my old house… various framed candids, family pictures, sports pictures, baby pictures etc. all over the other walls. That’s a lot of frames! After a bit of research online I have come up with some fab ideas to share with you. Actually I did this for me, but you are free to join the party. I encourage you to click on each original source to see the ones with tutorials and if you pin any projects, please do it from the original source … Read more

DIY Chunky Photo Frame – Re-purpose Old Picture Frames Part 3

I have picture frames up the wazoo! Seriously, I must have more than three or four dozen wood frames packed in boxes… In the garage, In the basement, In my craft closet, In my blanket chest… Nope. There aren’t any blankets in it. Just picture frames. Some day I will paint that blanket chest with chalk paint and actually use it for blankets. When you raise 15 kids like we did and tote a camera around with you 24/7, your house easily turns into a virtual scrapbook. Now we are empty nesters (yay for us!) and have downsized. So I have to justify keeping all my frames and not just “Give them all away to Goodwill to be rid of them.” (That solution was courtesy of my DH.) I’ve been on a mission to justify my frame hoarding and have come up with some re-purposing DIY projects. I’m in process … Read more

Love My DIY Home