Guest Master Bedroom – Before and After

Have you ever seen before and afters that seemed too expensive to duplicate? I have. Too often we look at what others do and decide we could never do it ourselves and hire contractors like It only took 3 1/2 years, but we finally did it.   And we did it within our budget, in our own time, in our own way. You can too. What room do you want to flip? Our green carpeted gold sponge painted master bedroom is finally a hotel quality guest room. This was the original master bedroom, but we decided to keep it for guests. We took the other side of the top level and plan to renovate it into a master suite – some day.   We kept the green carpet for quite a while because of the expense of new, but we did at least paint the walls before we moved … Read more

Hoarder's Renovated Home {Love My DIY Home}

Before and After House Flip – A Look at the Hoarding Disorder

A House Flip You Never Know What is on the Inside Looking at a home from the outside can be very deceiving – just like the outside of a person often doesn’t reveal what is inside of their heart. The flaws will remain anonymous. Join me for a look at a hoarder disorder as seen through the eyes of their family. Definition of Hoarding from Mayo Clinic: “Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. Excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value, occurs.   Hoarding often creates such cramped living conditions that homes may be filled to capacity, with only narrow pathways winding through stacks of clutter. Some people also collect animals, keeping dozens or hundreds of pets in unsanitary conditions because … Read more

An Apothecary Cabinet Flip – A Fresh Start

January’s Fab Furniture Flippin Contest – A Fresh Start On a trip with my DH to Door County we found this great little shop with several interesting pieces just screaming to be loved on. The prices were decent but we only had room in our van to take home two pieces. The first was a one piece china cabinet and the other a little dresser that had never been cared for – raw wood with dinky sad little knobs. It reminded me of an apothecary cabinet. I went back and forth trying to decide what color to choose – because I just had to paint it! Since General Finishes sponsored the Fab Furniture Flippin Contest again this month and donated a quart of their new chalk style paint to finish the piece, all I had to do was decide on a color. Some may shudder at the thought of painting … Read more

Antique Night Stand Re-do

What’s hiding in your basement? A couple of years ago I gave our daughter, Jillian, a night stand that had been a family heirloom from my husband Mark’s aunt, Aunt Emily. She had painted it white, but wasn’t happy with the results. I had a 2 1/2 week stay in Virginia with Jillian where we spent a week decorating her living room/dining room at her new place. This is one of the pieces we hauled out of her basement to try to salvage.   Newly married, in school, and on a tight budget, this had to be another “use what you have to save money but it’s gotta look good” project – right up my alley! Spray paint is an easy and cheap fix. The dark stain shows right through and the paint peeled right off where it had bubbled. We honestly didn’t know if we could fix it, but … Read more

DIY Chunky Photo Frame – Re-purpose Old Picture Frames Part 3

I have picture frames up the wazoo! Seriously, I must have more than three or four dozen wood frames packed in boxes… In the garage, In the basement, In my craft closet, In my blanket chest… Nope. There aren’t any blankets in it. Just picture frames. Some day I will paint that blanket chest with chalk paint and actually use it for blankets. When you raise 15 kids like we did and tote a camera around with you 24/7, your house easily turns into a virtual scrapbook. Now we are empty nesters (yay for us!) and have downsized. So I have to justify keeping all my frames and not just “Give them all away to Goodwill to be rid of them.” (That solution was courtesy of my DH.) I’ve been on a mission to justify my frame hoarding and have come up with some re-purposing DIY projects. I’m in process … Read more

Holiday Crate x10 Challenge {Love My DIY Home}

Christmas DIY Wood Crate Challenge

We were challenged to take a plain wood crate and make it Christmas festive. I bought three and plan to use them under my Christmas tree. BEFORE Box and Snowflakes First I spray painted the inside with Rustoleum’s Painter’s Touch 2x Ivory Bisque. Large wood snow flakes at Hobby Lobby were perfect for an accent. I spray painted them the same ivory bisque as the box interior and then sprinkled silver glitter on it to give it some pinache and then hung it on a nail on the box. It took a bit because it was 10 degrees outside and since I paint out on my front lawn, it was interesting to say the least. I painted a bit, brought it in to dry and took it out for more paint an hour later. After a dozen ins and outs, I finally got it painted. Anyone free to come clean out … Read more

Living Room Reveal {Love My DIY Home}

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Living Room Reveal

The day is finally here. The Joneses living room reveal has been a long time in coming. If you remember, they bought a foreclosure and rehabilitated the poor thing. It was a mess and they brought it from an unlivable beast to a beautiful charming home for a family of 5 – oh wait. Home for a family of 6! We are so long in bringing this reveal to you because a little baby doll, Maddie Moo made her appearance (April found out she was expecting) and everything changed. She sort of took over their world and slowed down their progress on the house. They moved in without having finished, hence no “reveal.” It’s OK. A home is a home because of who we share it with, not because the trim is finished or the drywall is up in the basement, right? Let me take you back through time for … Read more

Before and After Outdoor Pots Revived! {Love My DIY Home}

I Sent Myself Flowers – for My Mom on Mother’s Day

You’ve all heard the overused quote, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I’m here to tell you that if you don’t have a mom to send flowers to this Mother’s Day, send them to yourself! The ads for Mother’s Day gifts are everywhere, and since I’ve recently suffered loss, they make me feel lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut. I decided to overcompensate. Instead of bemoaning the fact my mom isn’t here to receive flowers from me, I’m sending them to myself. I’m going to plant them everywhere and enjoy them all summer long. Enter – old crummy pots… While at a church rummage sale, I found these 5 huge outdoor planters. They were all stacked on one another, dirty and a bit ragged. Ah, but there was potential. At first I thought they were that heavy terra cotta material but found out when I picket … Read more

Brush Paint Vs. Spray Paint – Before and After Nightstand

I have a before and after antique nightstand redo for you today. And it only cost $1.25. BUT, let it be known…next time I tell you I’m going to brush paint a piece of furniture using traditional paint, please stop me. Seriously. Stop me. I thought I’d give it a whirl but the whirl turned into a relentless week of painting because the tanins bled through. It was on my kitchen island. For a week. I like to use spray paint when I want a smooth finish. You can also contact Stubbins Painting San Diego – and take the help of professional painting contractors to give a professional and classic look to your house or a piece of furniture. I didn’t prime first when using traditional paint, which was a major mistake and consulted the painting companies phoenix. Then I found some great spray primer that I use now when … Read more

Go bold or go home {Love My DIY Home}

Color Choices – Go Bold or Go Home

Do you ever feel it’s time to color outside the lines? Do you go to the store to buy paint or curtains or your next set of couch pillows and end up bringing home pretty much the same thing you bought last time and then wonder why you’re not excited about it? Or, have you taken that step into Willy Wonka’s world and gone crazy with color? Or style. Or texture? I always wondered why people were so in love with animal prints. I SMH over hot pink painted bookshelves and pillows that look like exploded rosettes. But… change is in the wind. The time to plunge into adventure and throw caution to that wind is here. Color Choices It’s time to crawl out of the brown/white/beige cave and look for something different. A new lease on decorating life started with a new bed set. Yep. A bed set. That … Read more

Love My DIY Home