Christmas Pillows

Easy DIY Christmas Pillows by Thrifty Decor Chick

Thrifty Decor Chick had a nifty Christmas craft on her blog Tuesday that I just have to share with you. You know, you think you've seen it all and wonder how anyone could come up with anything new – and then they surprise you and do. This is the cutest thing and I'm definitely going to do this for my Christmas decorating this year. Here's an excerpt from Sarah's "A Quick and Easy Holiday Project." "In the past couple of years I’ve fallen in love with holiday-themed pillows this time of year. I just think they’re a festive addition, and all you do is toss. Toss, toss! (Name that musical.) Throw one or two on a sofa or chair and the room instantly feels Christmasy. Try it. It works. Well the past couple of after Christmas sales I’ve picked up a few more placemats to make my favorite pillows EVER. … Read more

Repurpose old picture frames

DIY Framed Wire Tool Hanger – Re-purpose Old Picture Frames Part 2

This is the second in my How-to Series on Re-purposing Old Picture Frames Here’s my first post with a list of 10 DIY projects to upcycle old picture frames. The plan was to do this last week, but we had a special delivery just after Thanksgiving. We welcomed in a new grandson. All my plans for the rest of the week went out the window! But, I’m back now with a nifty little project for you. It’s easy. It’s cheap. It’s useful. It’s a great decor item. I’m using it as a tool hanger in my craft room. but really, it could be used for just about anything. Use it to hang photos, craft supplies, kitchen tools, office supplies…anything goes. 1. I started with an old frame that I had used to display my kids’ sports pictures. 1. 2. To remove the glossy finish, I sanded the frame with a … Read more

DIY Jewelry Making – Basic Earrings YouTube Tutorial

Jillian, my youngest, started making earrings years ago when she was in highschool. Then April, my oldest started making them just a few years ago to sell on etsy and at craft shows. Not wanting to be left behind, I began making them as well and now I am totally addicted! I recently made about 240 pair of earrings over a four day period. Anyone want to count them and tell me how many there actually are? You can see I’m missing a couple pair – I had my mom pick out some that she would like for Christmas. When I say this DIY project is easy, I mean E.A.S.Y. I know, I know, I’m always saying these projects are easy, but if you know me, you would know I wouldn’t do a project like this if it was difficult…or messy…or intricate. When I taught school, I was known as … Read more

Use What You Already Have to DIY Decorate – Antique Wooden Box

I just had to share this with you! I was taking drawers out of a dresser in our garage that we decided to put up in our closet… then I saw this box. Umm, hello! This box is a treasure! You never know where you're going to find something you can repurpose in your home. Now all I have to do is convince my DH to let me have it… I could use it for photo shoots – can you see a toddler sitting in it with overhauls on? Or I could use it as a table or a bookshelf… Maybe I will sell it – here are some similar ones on ebay. What to do, what to do? Tomorrow I'm going to show you a clearanced lantern from Kohls that I painted and will use for a fall/Christmas accent. Have a great day and please leave a comment on … Read more

DIY poinsettia flower arrangement | Love My DIY Home

Super Simple DIY Poinsettia Flower Arrangement

I'm almost embarassed to show you this DIY project. Not because I don't like it. On the contrary. I like it A LOT. But…since it was so easy, I'm not sure I can even call it a DIY "project." Last week I showed you how to paint a silver painted decorative vase. Today I'll show you how to arrange silk pointettia flowers in that same vase. Why do people pay $30.00 for a seasonal flower arrangement? Let me encourage you – Do it yourself! This is what I started with – a typical fake poinsettia plant. It cost me "nada." I like "nada." "Nada" makes me happy. Can anyone say, "Gag me?" I'm sure at one time it was considered lovely. OK, I'm not sure. But somebody had to have thought it was something of value. Sorry if you're the one who bought this for church. I got it about … Read more

DIY workbench how-to {Love My DIY Home}

DIY Workbench for our Garage

A DIY Garage WorkBench My DH and SIL are starting a new business and needed a work area – one that is clean and organized. Since neither of those words describe our garage, my DH tore down one set of shelving in our garage and put together a new workbench. We get our garage door serviced from Titan Garage Doors Coquitlam I will let him tell you about it since I have no idea what he did. Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start… Also, an experienced sheds builder in Charlotte NC says they chose the garage over the shed that they had intended to put it in for several reasons. More room Concrete floor Electricity It’s getting cold and it’s much easier going to the built on garage than the shed that I would have to shovel my way to in just a few … Read more

DIY Silver Painted Decorative Vase

A Silver Vase for the Holidays Here’s another simple DIY spray painting project for you. I have a dozen clear glass vases from my daughter’s wedding two years ago.                                                                                                         …along with a bunch of other stuff, but let’s not go there. I also have a bunch of similar vases that are left over from burning Candlewick candles that same daughter gave me.   Sense a theme here? I thought about donating them, but who would want them? YET, there’s GOT TO be a use for them doesn’t there? So, the “saver” that I am (DH probably prefers “hoarder”) … Read more

Easy DIY Rescue of a Damaged Side Table

A Simple Solution for a Damaged Side Table What do you do with a side table that has a damaged surface? Years ago I bought this blonde side table at a garage sale for a few dollars and put it beside our bed when we moved to Wausau, on my husband’s side. It was in a hallway for years, but I thought it would be nice from my DH to have it since I gave away his Aunt Emily’s table to my daughter to refinish. See her project here. Guess what? The top of the table developed some mysterious white rings and most of the top was water damaged. Don’t worry my DH, I won’t tell anyone it was you. Besides, you did me a favor! Read on… I had thought for a year that I would have to sand it down and restain it, but really didn’t like the … Read more

Before and After Kitchen

Our Kitchen Before and After

We vacated our tiny rental house in old people’s land, downtown Wausau, and began our much sought after fairy tale a year ago. Our new Hobbit House was a foreclosure that had been vacated for a year – Hobbitless, you might say. There is something to be said for the hominess of a Hobbit Hole. I wanted my home to be cozy and homey like Bilbo’s. source Fortunately the structure the house was decent – it just needed a little TLC and I had to get my vision. (No, the picture above isn’t my house – it’s a Hobbit-Hole.) Here are before pictures. Not bad, but not what I call home. And certainly not fit for a Hobbit. NOTHING short of fairy tale is good enough. My home is where my grandkids and I were going to snuggle and read stories and have adventures. This is where my family and … Read more

Top of the Kitchen Cupboard DIY Deco | Love My DIY Home

10 Steps to Decorating Your Home on a Tight Budget

I’ve given a lot of thought to my DIY projects. I search the Internet for ideas. The thing I enjoy the most is looking at other blogs that focus on home decor. But they can be my worst enemy at times too. Why? Because I don’t always feel I can measure up. The problem with looking at what other people do is I tend to compare myself with them – oh boy, that can be a big mistake if I’m not careful I can become discouraged. We will always find someone who can do it better than us. The key is to realize that and use their example as inspiration rather than let it defeat or discourage us. Some of the home decor blogs are amazing! They have perfect houses and perfect photography to share their home decor. Oh, and let’s not forget, they have perfect writing styles, and even … Read more

Love My DIY Home