Fall Tablescape – Seven Days of Tips 4

Has anyone ever told you, “This is a no-brainer?” or… Ramble on with the instructions like you’ve done it all your life? Have you ever called tech support and had to call time out because they told you to copy that, type this and insert it there and you had no idea what they were saying? I don’t really speak geek; do you? Here is a quote from an email sent to me by a friend. I’ll call her “Sally.” “All your DIY ideas are great.  And I love Pinterest for that as well, but like you said, time is one of the big issues and with me I have to add the word “talent”, “eye for it”, etc.  I don’t have what it takes.  I sometimes have ideas but I don’t have the time, money, know-how, energy, etc. to actually do it.  I guess I’ve started too many projects … Read more

DIY Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

They say the third time is the charm. So, here is my third flower arrangement I’ve shared with you – a DIY floral centerpiece. By showing you my first three attempts at flower arranging I’m hoping you’ll get the idea that you can do this too. HONESTLY…it really is quite easy. My little ceramic pumpkin turned floral centerpiece is the best yet. Here’s how I did it…     I started with leaves around the bottom and then added a candle.     It only took a few more flowers to make it fuller. I just kept moving them around until I was happy with it. The leaves were too big. I just didn’t like it and it didn’t really match the picture I had in my head. It was OK, but “OK” wasn’t good enough.     So I took the leaves out and I knew it was done … Read more

Fall Floral Arrangement DIY Tutorial

I found this pot out in my mom’s a storage shed covered in dirt. It had sat in there many years and traveled here to Wisconsin from Michigan a few years ago unprotected in that little plastic shed. Here’s that little pot – it’s amazing the treasures you find sitting in a little plastic shed covered in dirt. Since Michaels had fall silk flowers at 80% off yesterday, I bought a bunch for that little pot along with a little ceramic pumpkin I bought from a consignment shop for $2.00. I started with flowers, two pots, some foam and a few picks. The only tool I used was a pair of tin snips that I used to cut the stems. I stuck one of the smaller flower bushes in the center of the foam and spread them out. Normally you would just cut them apart and arrange them, but I thought … Read more

Lettuce Flower Arrangement – Use What You Have

The Most Unexpected Flower Arranging Item I grew zinnias and asters and brought them inside with my hydrangias. I planted a bunch of other stuff out in my garden. One of the things that I regrow is lettuce and celery from store bought. The lettuce will regrow once, typically, and the celery will keep growing even when you cut it. I’ve been experimenting. Crazy Lettuce I bought lettuce from Aldis and replanted it once it started regrowing (read details here). Once it was out on my deck and I cut what I wanted, I just let it grow to see what would happen. It kinda went crazy and it grew funny spirals out the top. Cut Here When I cut my flowers to bring inside I just happened to look out and see what had become of that lettuce that was going wild. I went out and cut the spirals … Read more

Summer Floral Arrangement {Love My DIY Home)

DIY Summer Flower Arrangement

While on a road trip with my DH this week I picked up some clearanced (70% off) flowers and vases at Michaels in Flint, MI. Last night I put together two flower arrangements while we sat around the table and chatted at my DD and SIL’s house.  20 minutes, tops. Really, it was that easy. For this vase, I just stuck them in after cutting them at the proper length. E.A.S.Y. For the second vase I cut some foam and pushed it down to the bottom so it was secure. I cut more flowers and arranged them, bending down the bottom few and filling in the bare spots. It was that easy. Here’s something comparable at Target for $19.99. Mine cost $2.50 for the vase, 50 cents for the foam and about $3.00 for the flowers. Not only was it cheaper; I like mine better. If you DIY, you can … Read more

DIY Arrangements | Love My DIY Home

Make Arrangements to DIY – Grab and Stuff!

Psst. Pssssst. There is something you need to know. You may have never been told this before, but believe me. I know what I'm talking about. OK, I'm going to say it..     You don't have to pay anyone to do it. You don't have to take a second job to afford it. And the best part is – you can do it in 5 minutes. What am I talking about? DIY arrangements – arrangements you can copy. Easily. This has to be one of the easiest DIY's I've shared. Grab and stuff baby.   GRAB . AND . STUFF .   Go to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or anywhere that has a variety of flowers and accessories like leaves, twigs, branches, sprigs, whatever – you know, the foofy stuff. Decide what you like, buy it along with some sort of vase or basket – really anything you like that … Read more

DIY poinsettia flower arrangement | Love My DIY Home

Super Simple DIY Poinsettia Flower Arrangement

I'm almost embarassed to show you this DIY project. Not because I don't like it. On the contrary. I like it A LOT. But…since it was so easy, I'm not sure I can even call it a DIY "project." Last week I showed you how to paint a silver painted decorative vase. Today I'll show you how to arrange silk pointettia flowers in that same vase. Why do people pay $30.00 for a seasonal flower arrangement? Let me encourage you – Do it yourself! This is what I started with – a typical fake poinsettia plant. It cost me "nada." I like "nada." "Nada" makes me happy. Can anyone say, "Gag me?" I'm sure at one time it was considered lovely. OK, I'm not sure. But somebody had to have thought it was something of value. Sorry if you're the one who bought this for church. I got it about … Read more

Love My DIY Home