Growing Your Redesign Skills

Have You “Arrived” Yet? “You don’t know what you don’t know.” AND… “The  more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.” Have you considered taking a class or joining a group that will help you become a better artist? Specifically…a furniture artist.   Finding Your Tribe I have created a membership for aspiring artists that teaches all things furniture flipping (redesign and marketing). It’s called Furniture Flipping Blueprint because it’s a step-by-step 24/7/365 online manual. Those who join FFB also join my FB group, Furniture Flipping Blueprint PRO where we exchange ideas and challenge one another to grow our skills. Along with group membership, some of us meet up once a year to work on our furniture redesign skills. There’s nothing like being in a learning group that challenges and inspires. We have a group like that and you are invited to join us. You can go to … Read more

Product TIPs for the Furniture Flipper and Decor Creator!

I’ve been working on recording tips for those of you who want to grow your skills in redesign and marketing. You can find all of them here: 100 Random Furniture Flipping Tips Video Series >>> I have Tips #83, 84, 93, 94,96, 99 & 100 for you today – Products That Make Your Life Easier! But for now, come view a compilation of some products you can find on Amazon (afflinks below the video) that may just lighten your load a little and make room to enjoy your creativity more. Kneeling Pad: Knee Pads: Work Stool/Creeper: Canvas Dropcloth: Bed Risers: Scrubs: Paint Coveralls: Bent Brush: Zipwall: NOTE: Be sure to check around for better quality or priced products – the ones I listed in the video are not necessarily recommended by me; they are just shown as examples. Some of these products … Read more

Problem Solved – No More Fuzzies in My Topcoat!

CHALLENGE #1 My first really big challenge years ago was applying poly to give me a smooth even look. When light reflects on a piece, we want it to look consistent without drag. Drag is when the poly dries before you come back over for the next strip of poly and you see stripes because you “dragged over” the poly when it had already started to dry. It took me about 2 weeks to figure it out after searching for the answer and then it was smooth sailing from that point on. That two weeks I went to sleep thinking about it and woke up thinking about it. I’m like that. I HAVE to figure it out. I now use a damp sponge or sponge brush to apply and use a product that is easy to work with. I now carry it in my online store, Furniture Flipping Market. I … Read more

Furniture Flipping Market Coming Soon!

A few years ago there was a lady who commented on one of the posts on Furniture Flipping Forum, my FB group, that the original poster should try Retique It. Since I have a “No self-promotion” rule in the group, I messaged Michele and asked if she was the CEO of Retique It. She told me she as, but I was curious and asked her for a link to her product that she was promoting in my group. Honestly, I usually just delete and tell them we have the rule. But I’d seen the product mentioned once or twice before and I wanted to know what it was. So she gave me a link and I went exploring. Michele offered to send me some of the product to try and I said, “OK.” I tried it and liked it and have been promoting it every since. If product is good … Read more

Looking to Add Revenue to Your Furniture Biz?

Next Level Flipping in the Retique It Pro Network Nearly two years ago I noticed someone named Michele Corwin on Furniture Flipping Forum suggesting the product Retique It to some of the members in comments. I was curious and messaged her, asking what the product was and if she was the company owner. She was, and that began a friendship that has led to not only my enjoying her products, but actually promoting them. I don’t promote products unless I have used them and think they would be good for my members. I now consider Michele a friend and want to introduce you to some opportunities that she has for you to grow your business by adding more revenue. Try her products and then consider how they can play a part in growing your business. It’s always a good thing to look into ways to add revenue to your business. … Read more

Damaged But Not Destroyed

We tend to toss rather than fix, don’t we? Let’s reconsider. Let’s look through a better lense when considering what to do with an item. It’s so amazing to see an upcycle, redesigned and/or repurposed piece of furniture, decor, or whatever. I’ve seen it. I’ve done it. And I want to see you see it a do it too. This former book table shelf plywood and 2x4s homemade thingy was on Craig’s List. It was terribly scratched up by the owner’s dog. The lady was super apologetic about it when I went to go take a look. I even considered saying, “No thanks” to her when I saw how beat up it was. But I took it anyway and stored it for over a year waiting for time and inspiration to tackle it. Whenever I have a new product, method or technique I want to try out, in my mind’s … Read more

Retique It & UNiCORN SPiT

I like to experiment and try out different products and brands for my members on my Facebook groups. Today I did a short video showing you how I used (afflinks) UNiCORN SPiT over Retique It Liquid Wood. The possibilities are endless! Have you ever used UNiCORN SPiT? It’s a water based translucent non-toxic paint that can be used as a glaze, stain or paint – super easy to use, and fun! Retique It Liquid Wood is a paint on liquid wood (just like it sounds). You can do all sorts of fancy things with it! You’ll see: Metallic SPiT over Retique It Liquid Wood Background and layered stenciling Stencil distressing It’s just a fun little video to give you some ideas. Let me know if you have any ideas on other ways to use these products! XOXO

Darbi the Guest Master Night Stand – I Got to Keep This One!

A Night Stand Named Darbi Occasionally I get to keep one of my projects. It’s super hard for me to watch my pieces go out the door when I sell them, but I comfort myself when I look down at my hand holding the cash! LOL This one came from a consignment shop we visit every couple of months. I thought it perfectly fit my daughter’s description of a side table she was looking for and the $12 price tag fit the bill too. But of course, “Best laid plans of mice and men,” as it turned out it was too tall. So sad for them, yay for me! It now sits next to our guest master king size bed. Find out more here which bed you can also use in order to have a great night’s sleep.   Here it is before:   White is a Fave of Mine … Read more

A Shiny New Dresser for our Master

Sponsored Post   Some would correct my title and say I should use the term “chest of drawers” but I’ll stick with how I was raised and use the word “dresser” – since that is what I’ve always heard and said. I still say “pop” instead of “soda” much to the chagrin of my grandsons too. We transplanted from Michigan to Wisconsin but I still proudly carry my roots to this new soil without regret. (No mixed metaphors here) So “dresser” it is. I discovered a new product recently – Retique It. Michele, the owner of Retique It, had mentioned the product a couple of times on our Facebook Forum, Furniture Flipping Forum, so I struck up a conversation with her to find out more. She ended up sending me a whole kit to try out. I looked around my stash of furniture for just the right project on which … Read more

Love My DIY Home