The Cobbler’s Children Have No Shoes

Too often I hear of furniture artists who have been putting off refinishing or redesigning their own furniture…so focused on the business of painting other people’s pieces, they neglect their own home. I determined a long time ago to not be the one who personifies the saying, “The cobbler’s children have no shoes.” I want to walk from room to room smiling as I see my own works of art. This video is a walk through of our home where you can see several of my own pieces of furniture art. I don’t have every piece the way I want them, for I got very tired of the wood look everywhere, but I’m making great headway. I still have two end tables, a highboy to paint and dresser to finish for my home, along with a new set of nesting tables I’ve not decided whether I’ll keep or sell. I … Read more

4 Sided Decor Tin for Staging

A DIY 4 Sided Decorator Tin for Staging Furniture Ā Combining Saltwash, Retique It Ultratique, & Southern Blenders   I created a DIY decor series for my Blueprint members a while ago. This is one of the projects I included and I’m sharing it today with you to encourage you to do a bit of DIY to help your bottom line. Ya know…there are more ways to make money besides raising our prices, like finding ways to cut our expenses. Save some $$ by creating your own staging decor. This tin is just one example of a really inexpensive piece you can change with paint – or in this case, paint and Saltwash. Click the picture below and it will take you to the tutorial on my YouTube channel where you can find more tutorials and reviews. Do you DIY? If so, what have you done? Leave a comment and tell … Read more

Antique Accent Table Redesign – Start to Finish in 7 Minutes

I’ve found video to be the best tool in sharing projects. We see everywhere pretty pictures, both before and afters, but seldom see HOW it was done. Today I’m a project that I video’d all the way through to the staging. We found this accent table at a local estate sale and it was labeled “antique.” I paid a little more for it since it is so unique. A “unique antique”. šŸ™‚ I used all products from my online store, featuring Retique It products at Go have a look at all the great products – quality products you can trust. I will list all the materials and link them below the video. Materials List: Oil-based Primer Ultratique all-in-One Paint – Robin’s Egg Ultratique all-in-One Paint – Alabaster Stain & GlazeĀ  (old oak or dark oak will work to give an antique look) Wonder Brush (there are three sizes!) Polyacrylic … Read more

Adding a Bit of Glitz to a Motif – The Royal Collection Metallics

Add Some Glitz! The Retique It Royal Collection Metallics Are you wanting your pieces to stand out so people take notice? One way to create the WOW factor is to add a little glitz. Whether you are stenciling a piece of decor, redesigning furniture, or even stenciling on a wall, metallics are a great choice. I recently redesigned a coffee table for my living room and of course I wanted a piece of art rather than just a plain ‘ol table! Today I’m sharing a video showing you how I giltzed it up. Sometimes the best things are the simplest! I used the Royal Collection Metallics by Retique It by stenciling just a bit of trim on all of the leaves. You don’t see it at first when coming into my living room, when casually glancing at it from the front, but as you walk around to sit on the … Read more

[VIDEO] Background & Stenciling Script Tips

So so SO many furniture artists forget that their furniture is no different than a painter’s canvas. Learn a few very easy techniques and you can WOW your audience. We need to do something to stop those scrollers and sell our furniture! In this video I’ll tell you about my favorite background technique and how I add script for an old-world look. Backgrounds add interest – not just one or two colors, but from one to many will create an uncommon artsy look. It’s great for under stenciling or even a transfer. Use it to create an old-world look, weathering, etc., or even just for a look of whimsy by using dramatic or contrasting colors. You get to decide. Plus, I explain the best way to stencil script onto your piece – method matters. The BEFORE We found the tables in a jam-packed salvage type of thrift shop. Removing the … Read more

New Pop-Up ESCAPE ROOM on Facebook – DIY DECOR

COME LEARN SOME STUFF Since I mentor furniture flippers, accumulating staging props to use in photos for listings can be a big issue. So I like to help with every area of the flipping process to help members save money and increase profits. We can make our own decor and save $ – our bottom line isn’t only affected by the profit we make on a piece of furniture, but also on our expenses. So, the more staging decor we acquire easily and cheaply, the better.   NEW POP-UP GROUP ON FACEBOOK THE ESCAPE ROOM – DIY Staging Decor is open and ready for you. You can click theĀ  name and it will take you there so you can sign up and reserve your spot. It’s going to be fun! I’m busily working on projects to share with you. It starts September 28, but you can join in on the … Read more

Growing Your Redesign Skills

Have You “Arrived” Yet? “You don’t know what you don’t know.” AND… “TheĀ  more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.” Have you considered taking a class or joining a group that will help you become a better artist? Specifically…a furniture artist.   Finding Your Tribe I have created a membership for aspiring artists that teaches all things furniture flipping (redesign and marketing). It’s called Furniture Flipping Blueprint because it’s a step-by-step 24/7/365 online manual. Those who join FFB also join my FB group, Furniture Flipping Blueprint PRO where we exchange ideas and challenge one another to grow our skills. Along with group membership, some of us meet up once a year to work on our furniture redesign skills. There’s nothing like being in a learning group that challenges and inspires. We have a group like that and you are invited to join us. You can go to … Read more

Celebrating New Life with a $10 Kids Art Course!

Every once in a while I’ll throw out a crazy offer… My special deals usually have to do with a special event or time of year, and sometimes I just offer a great deal on a whim. I’m inviting you to enjoy the blessing of my newest grandson with me, Henry. He had a tough road but now is here and we are CELEBRATING! So to include you in this glorious event, I’m offering my Creative Kids Furniture Art Course for just $10. I know. It’s crazy, but I’m feeling elated over our newest family milestone. You have the opportunity to own a new course for yourself, your kids (or grandkids) at a super low price.   HOW? Go to the page, Creative Kids Furniture Art, where you can find out all about it. The CODE to get it for just $10 (reg. $37) is HENRY. A cute name, no? … Read more

Outdoor Paint Projects Can Be Tricky

Have you ever painted an outdoor project? Did it last? I’ve done it a few times and have discovered a great product that has held up well. Every couple of years I reapply the poly to my hand-painted picnic table and have been happy to see that my painted design has held fast and still looks great. You can find Polytique It Exterior TopCoat @ Furniture Flipping Market. On Instagram you can find lots of my tips – I post them occasionally to help you with the little things that make a big difference. I would have never occurred to me that I would have to seal every inch if I’d not been told to do so by the manufacturer. It was kind of like a “duh” moment when I heard the tip. Of course I should seal it all…I just hadn’t thought of it. Get art from Mystik River … Read more

A is for Ability – Talent is Overrated

There are many who believe they can’t do something because of a lack of talent. But I believe that most things can be learned, even if it doesn’t come naturally. “I am not talented enough,” usually means, “I don’t want to invest the time or effort to learn this.” or, “I don’t have the confidence to try.” Unfortunately, I think we miss out on a lot due to lack of effort or vision. Years ago when we attended our daughter’s graduation at Crown College, we hear the main speaker say, “Get a vision,” while pointing his finger at the audience. We joked about it later because it was his catch phrase, and since he was very old, his finger was very crooked and his voice was very “old.” “Get a vision,” has been repeated in our family many times since then in jest, but it really is the truth. We … Read more

Love My DIY Home