Updated DIY Pantry Reveal

To have an organized pantry makes things so much easier…
It wasn’t a terrible mess, but it certainly desperately needed to be organized and pretty. Pretty doesn’t hurt. Seriously. Isn’t it nice to have something that you visit every day look inviting?
Here is a “before” picture, Not bad. Functional. It was OK. But OK isn’t good enough for me. This is my Hobbit Hole. I want more than just “OK.”

Is your pantry disorganized?

So now you have it. My messy pantry. I did have a door on it, so I could close it off and not think about it. Do you do that? Well, I’m done with it. I’m tired of messy and “unpretty.” I started by taking the door off – I’ve always hated the bifold door. It took up too much of the opening. I plan to get a regular door, though my mom says I will hate that even more. This isn’t the first time I’ve done something contrary to someone else’s advice! Such a rebel I am!

Here is my pantry now. I so love it!

Want an organized pantry?

I’m waiting to see if I get the bid on a door for this pantry at our local auction house. DH and I love auctions WAY too much. We’ve also bid on a bunch of crown molding and a door for our office. I have to decide yet if I’m going to paint the door, stain it or what. My accent color is red, so I’ve contemplated painting it red and roughing it up.

Moving on…

Organized Pantry
I bought plastic storage containers from Walmart and baskets from our local consignment shop. I paid $3.00 for the one gallon tall ones, and $2.00 for the short half gallons. The baskets were $7.00 each. So totally, I paid $40.00 to organize my pantry. I honestly thought it would be much more than that, so I put it off.

Organized Pantry

The half gallon containers work well in front of the gallon containers – easy to see what’s in both. I’ve toyed with the idea of putting labels on them, but am thinking I’ll change them up eventually. It’s a pain taking labels off. See the left front canister above? It’s holding my homemade fruit roll-ups.

DIY Pantry Organization

I’m going to find just the right sign to fit above the big containers of spices. Let’s see, maybe PANTRY, or something appropriate – or maybe not! Any suggestions? I have this nifty little sign that says, “Grandchildren Welcome, Parents by Appointment.” Love that one!

I think a trip to Hobby Lobby is in my future.
Pantry Makeover

I used a little basket a friend gave me years ago for my soup mixes and such.

DIY Pantry Organization

The big containers of spices come from Sams and aren’t much more expensive than the small bottles you find at Walmart. I’ve saved so much buying in bulk. Here they are in my metal baskets that I spray painted with Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch Spray Paint, Satin Espresso. I have no idea where these baskets came from; they’ve been hanging around our house for years holding anything and everything from tools to socks.

Pantry Organization DIY

Want an organized pantry?

I’ve had the little rolling cart forever; do you think I should paint it? I thought about painting it dark brown to match the baskets.  I could tell you I had it specially made for that little cubby hole at the bottom left, but I won’t. Stuff like that happens often for me. You know, “Oh, look here, this fits just like it was made for it.”

Ignore the icky floor, please. It is the bane of my existence. Ugh. Some day. SOME DAY it’s out of here and bamboo is moving in.

Here is my original pantry post where I found several inspiriting pantries online. A prepared pantry is a must, but a pretty, prepared pantry is the best.

I have three pantries (two small ones in my kitchen and one large one in the basement) and this is the first of my re-dos.

9 thoughts on “Updated DIY Pantry Reveal”

  1. Love you pantry, Val.  I really need new shelves for mine.  Evidently they are not real wood and all of them sag.  Not pretty!

  2. Wow, Love it!!! Really like how the containers all match and the metal basket holds the spices! And what a great idea for the soup mixes etc.  An idea for painting the cart, I would go with flat chalkboard looking black, you could hang a little chalkboard sign on the baskets that states contents, and the black would really kick up the color of the red door if you do that. The black would go with anything too and it kind of matches the other metal basket that holds your spices. I've got to do my cupboards, don't have a pantry but yours sure has inspired me to get creative with my cupboard space! So many great ideas!! Thanks for sharing, wow, nice job!! Love the grandbaby saying too, that is soooo cute! 

    • Glad you came for a visit, Bonnie! You have good ideas, I will definitely do the chalkboard signs on the cart and paint it too. I think it’s too stark white for the space. You can make your cupboards cute too with baskets and such.

    • Shelley, thanks for stopping by. I so much more like my pantry now that I can see what I have. I’m more apt to use the pastas now that I am reminded every day that they are there! The picture with your daughter and the butterfly face painting is amazing! She’s such a cutie.


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