Before and After Outdoor Pots Revived! {Love My DIY Home}

I Sent Myself Flowers – for My Mom on Mother’s Day

You’ve all heard the overused quote, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I’m here to tell you that if you don’t have a mom to send flowers to this Mother’s Day, send them to yourself! The ads for Mother’s Day gifts are everywhere, and since I’ve recently suffered loss, they make me feel lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut. I decided to overcompensate. Instead of bemoaning the fact my mom isn’t here to receive flowers from me, I’m sending them to myself. I’m going to plant them everywhere and enjoy them all summer long. Enter – old crummy pots… While at a church rummage sale, I found these 5 huge outdoor planters. They were all stacked on one another, dirty and a bit ragged. Ah, but there was potential. At first I thought they were that heavy terra cotta material but found out when I picket … Read more

Thanksgiving Kid's Table {Love My DIY Home}

Thanksgiving Kid’s Table

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Did you lavishly decorate or keep it simple? We focused on the kid’s table this year. Since the kids tend to get a bit impatient with us when we are getting the food on the table, I gave them something to do… The kid’s Thanksgiving printables are from here at Busy Bee Kid’s Printables. Their appetizers (apples, peanuts, pretzels, carrots, string cheese and gummies) and the placemats kept them happy AND busy. Our three year old grandson, Myles, had a hard time waiting to dig in. The adults? We ate on paper plates and drank from pop cans. I didn’t decorate the table other than a single lantern in the middle of the table with a lit candle. Funny how the food tasted just as good as last year when I went all out on the fall tablescape. This was last year’s (the … Read more

Summer Floral Arrangement {Love My DIY Home)

DIY Summer Flower Arrangement

While on a road trip with my DH this week I picked up some clearanced (70% off) flowers and vases at Michaels in Flint, MI. Last night I put together two flower arrangements while we sat around the table and chatted at my DD and SIL’s house.  20 minutes, tops. Really, it was that easy. For this vase, I just stuck them in after cutting them at the proper length. E.A.S.Y. For the second vase I cut some foam and pushed it down to the bottom so it was secure. I cut more flowers and arranged them, bending down the bottom few and filling in the bare spots. It was that easy. Here’s something comparable at Target for $19.99. Mine cost $2.50 for the vase, 50 cents for the foam and about $3.00 for the flowers. Not only was it cheaper; I like mine better. If you DIY, you can … Read more

Bronze Angel stocking holder | Love My DIY Home

Christmas Home Tour 2013 – Welcome to my home!

    Hi. Welcome. Merry Christmas! I'm glad you came for a visit. I'd like to share my home with you for Christmas. Tell me about your day; grab a cup of coffee and sit with me a while. I don't know about you, but I'd like to put my feet up and just enjoy the holiday. Have you been crazy busy trying to get everything done for upcoming festivities? It can be such fun, but it can also be so exhausting! Shopping? Wrapping? Cleaning?   My Christmas time has come. My house is D.O.N.E. My kids have arrived and it's time to enjoy! Here's my little angel I got the day after Christmas last year. Yep. I do the day after Christmas sale every year – It's a family tradition. Most of my Christmas decor was 70 – 90 % off. I'll list some of them for you as … Read more

DIY glass servers

Visit My Guest Post at The Welcoming House Blog – DIY Pedestal Serving Dishes

Heather at The Welcoming House asked me to share a DIY craft with her for her blog as a guest post. Her blog features everything from DIY home decorating to recipes. Please visit her blog and read about my DIY Pedestal Serving Dishes. They were super easy and cheap to make and great for Christmas! Let me know what you think!

Christmas Pillows

Easy DIY Christmas Pillows by Thrifty Decor Chick

Thrifty Decor Chick had a nifty Christmas craft on her blog Tuesday that I just have to share with you. You know, you think you've seen it all and wonder how anyone could come up with anything new – and then they surprise you and do. This is the cutest thing and I'm definitely going to do this for my Christmas decorating this year. Here's an excerpt from Sarah's "A Quick and Easy Holiday Project." "In the past couple of years I’ve fallen in love with holiday-themed pillows this time of year. I just think they’re a festive addition, and all you do is toss. Toss, toss! (Name that musical.) Throw one or two on a sofa or chair and the room instantly feels Christmasy. Try it. It works. Well the past couple of after Christmas sales I’ve picked up a few more placemats to make my favorite pillows EVER. … Read more

Lessen the Holiday Stress!

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your next few days are restful and one of celebrating with family and friends. Take some time off and enjoy – I am and I will. I'll be back later to show you my Thanksgiving table. This is going to be fun! In two days I will begin my Christmas decorating. I have tons of ideas and will share some of them with you over the few of weeks. Meanwhile… The Inspired Room highlighed another blog that has tips on how to lessen your holiday stress. Check it out at The Decluttered Home, How to Simplify Holiday Decorating. Here are her beginning thoughts: Simplify Your Holiday Decorating – by Melissa Michaels It’s that time of year when we all start getting out the holiday decor! We all love it, but it can definitely get overwhelming if we have too much stuff or try to … Read more

Use What You Already Have to DIY Decorate – Antique Wooden Box

I just had to share this with you! I was taking drawers out of a dresser in our garage that we decided to put up in our closet… then I saw this box. Umm, hello! This box is a treasure! You never know where you're going to find something you can repurpose in your home. Now all I have to do is convince my DH to let me have it… I could use it for photo shoots – can you see a toddler sitting in it with overhauls on? Or I could use it as a table or a bookshelf… Maybe I will sell it – here are some similar ones on ebay. What to do, what to do? Tomorrow I'm going to show you a clearanced lantern from Kohls that I painted and will use for a fall/Christmas accent. Have a great day and please leave a comment on … Read more

DIY poinsettia flower arrangement | Love My DIY Home

Super Simple DIY Poinsettia Flower Arrangement

I'm almost embarassed to show you this DIY project. Not because I don't like it. On the contrary. I like it A LOT. But…since it was so easy, I'm not sure I can even call it a DIY "project." Last week I showed you how to paint a silver painted decorative vase. Today I'll show you how to arrange silk pointettia flowers in that same vase. Why do people pay $30.00 for a seasonal flower arrangement? Let me encourage you – Do it yourself! This is what I started with – a typical fake poinsettia plant. It cost me "nada." I like "nada." "Nada" makes me happy. Can anyone say, "Gag me?" I'm sure at one time it was considered lovely. OK, I'm not sure. But somebody had to have thought it was something of value. Sorry if you're the one who bought this for church. I got it about … Read more

DIY Silver Painted Decorative Vase

A Silver Vase for the Holidays Here’s another simple DIY spray painting project for you. I have a dozen clear glass vases from my daughter’s wedding two years ago.                                                                                                         …along with a bunch of other stuff, but let’s not go there. I also have a bunch of similar vases that are left over from burning Candlewick candles that same daughter gave me.   Sense a theme here? I thought about donating them, but who would want them? YET, there’s GOT TO be a use for them doesn’t there? So, the “saver” that I am (DH probably prefers “hoarder”) … Read more

Love My DIY Home