Dresser Turned TV Stand

 It is a new day. I woke at 4:45 this morning and couldn’t turn my brain off. As always my mom pops in my mind and since the stress of her dire condition is ever present, I couldn’t get back to sleep. At least it wasn’t like yesterday. I woke at 2am and didn’t go back to sleep until 6:30 and then it was only for 45 minutes. I had to go to work that morning and by the time I got to the hospital at 2:15 that afternoon, I was dragging. Fortunately they have a nice family lounge and I took a few zzz’s listening to music while Jillian and Taylor continued their vigil. Thank the Lord for power naps and music apps.  So, I am delivering my Dresser Turned TV Stand I told you about. It seems so nostalgic to me to tell you about this project. Making … Read more

Pallet Project – DIY Deck Island

While in Virginia visiting our DD and SIL, we worked on a couple of projects – an island made out of pallets and a rocking chair painted with homemade chalk paint. This is a tutorial on the DIY Deck Island. Project List (affiliate links): Hammer 3″ Deck Screws Cordless Drill Pry Bar Spray Paint Glue 2x4s Ceramic Tile DIY Deck Island Since pallets come in all different sizes, we won’t give you exact measurements, since it would do you no good anyway. BUT, I am giving you detailed pictures and will try to answer any questions you may have – just leave them in a comment. Find two pallets that are the same size. Pry off pieces that you won’t use, carefully. Build a Frame with 2×4’s. Keep in mind what size you will need the frame to be in order to accommodate the size of tile you plan to … Read more

DIY Kitchen floor {Love My DIY Home}

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Lose Those Ugly Floors!

We’re on a roll! The wood floors finally dried and got a second coat – oh boy, just wait until you see ’em in the final reveal! Kitchen DIY Flooring The kitchen floor had two layers of linoleum. Here is a peek at the lovely green and yellow kitchen floor before. OK, not so lovely… They took off the top linoleum, but left this second layer (the green yellow) and laid down a luan sub floor over it ($10/sheet). The sub floor insures a level flat surface for the new floor. Those who are looking for aesthetically-pleasing floors may consider applying Bespoke Resin Floor Finishes. Get in touch with a concrete polishing Adelaide company to explore the concrete flooring options that will match your home’s interior design. Once that was in place, Adam marked the middle of the floor and made sure it was plumb for the first square. They … Read more

Refinishing Wood Floors {Love My DIY Home}

Keeping Up With the Joneses – The Floors Won’t Dry!

Any time you get into a remodel, you’ll hear from any experienced friends, “Expect it to take twice the amount of time and cost twice the amount of money that you planned.” No man is immune. No one. Even homeowners who are renovating their home to accommodate their family’s needs. For instance, if they need to install a stairlift for an aging relative, they should consider hiring Stairlift Installation Experts instead of going the DIY route. The Joneses hit a glitch in their remodel – the wood floors. Remember here the “before” pictures of the worn out icky wood floors… 1) Repair whatever damage you can. The Joneses pulled up staples from the carpet install and filled in holes. Even the littles can help. Minwax 42853 Stainable Wood Filler, 16-Ounce April says, “I wouldn’t have filled in as much as we did had I known the sanding would have gotten … Read more

Small changes in your kitchen can be big {Love My DIY Home)

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Just a Little Tweek

We’ve already talked about this. Life isn’t always strawberry lemonade and lollipops. BUT, you can DIY. Have you ever heard the expression Carpe Diem? What do you think “Seize the Day” means? I think it means to make the most of every moment and situation. That’s just what the Joneses are doing. Hence… The kitchen was a mess. It smelled, was greasy dusty gross, and the design was, well, let’s just say, less than desirable. Sometimes all you have to do is tweek something and everything changes. That’s the way the kitchen cupboards were at the Joneses “new” house – they needed help. The cupboards had some sort of weird routered thing going on. We never figured out why there were cut outs on the cupboard doors and we really couldn’t see how they could be content with them. So, Adam had an idea…. Don’t ya just dig that green … Read more

DIY Reno of Foreclosed Home - LMDH

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Making Progress!

We have progress to share today. HA.LE.LOO.YAH. The Bathroom before: The bathroom had three different layers of linoleum with subfloors under each one. Walls patched and painted, wiring done, cabinet painted, subfloor almost in! The wiring was all goofed up, pigtailed all over the place with obvious additions here and there – mish mash! Next up… The Bedrooms before: The Master from Dotville Walls and closets patched and painted Boys’ Room – Sunglasses please! Lime green, per their request – cool decorating to come… Blue and Purple Clown Room? No thank you. Antique white is just what the room doctor ordered… The Hallway Even an insignificant space can change the whole look – check out the before of the hallway. So long paneling and hello drywall and paint! The Livingroom Pulling up the carpet and painting the walls in the living room gave the feeling (and smell) of “new and … Read more

Basement Reno - You never know what is behind those walls!

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Three Dozen Mice and MOLD!

Ugh. That moment when you realize the job is bigger than the both of you. But then you realize that the truth is better than not knowing… Enter three dozen mice and a basement full of M.O.L.D. Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along… “This basement isn’t too bad.” “No biggie.” Right? Typical basement – half done, paneling everywhere, dirty and ug-leee. You wonder what they were thinkin’ when they planned such a space. Come on, paneling, really? Broom and mop here, a little paint there, OK, a LOT of PAINT. It’s doable, right? If people want to get something cleaned in their house, they can get pressure cleaning services from this site. You can  click site “We’ll just tear down the paneling and put up some nice new drywall, split the room in half and use one side for a school room and the other for a play … Read more

Disgusting Foreclosed Home {Love My DIY Home}

Keeping Up With the Joneses – From Polluted to Pleasing

From Polluted to Pleasing When you walk into a foreclosed home, the resulting smell that attacks you along with the less than appealing visuals can be very daunting. At first your sensibilities shout, “No! This is not what I want! I can’t deal with this. It’s too disgusting!” You say to yourself, “I can’t put my family in this place.” There is mold on the window frames, stains on the wood floors and carpet that is not cleaned since no one contacted carpet cleaning irvine and it did smell like dog urine and bedroom walls that look like a frustrated artist let go with wreckless abandon. Then your adventurous side kicks in and you start imagining what it could be. You see past the grossness and envision newly painted walls, ripped up carpet (check carpet cleaning atlanta ga here), and your Essential Oils diffuser cleaning the putrid air. In such … Read more

Properly prepare the walls for painting {Love My DIY Home}

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Preparing the Walls

The hardest part of a remodel is convincing yourself that you will soon be done and that all the chaos around you will some day make sense. After the third day you moan to yourself and say, “This is never going to end, I just want it to be over.” You might even find yourself rocking in the corner mumbling to yourself. But then you see a bit of progress, the muck lessens, the dirty nasty carpet gets torn up, the holes get filled, the primer goes on and then bingo … hope flies in and you are instantly encouraged, knowing you can come back again tomorrow. Hiring professionals, such as a Mighty Dog Roofing, for remodel projects can alleviate much of the stress and uncertainty, ensuring the job is done efficiently and effectively. IRT offer commercial & industrial roofing services, click here to visit the IRT website. Here are … Read more

Keeping Up With the Joneses | Love My DIY Home

Keeping Up With the Joneses – Kitchen Demolition

To start, the Joneses, and other family members including moi, started ripping down and tearing up. Oh, how I enjoy kitchen demolition! Even the kids got their share of demo, which BTW, shows you and I that if a 6 and 8 year old can do it… You can do it too. But for large-scale demolition projects, it is advised to hire professional Heavy Equipment Demolition services. I’m gonna preach it till the cows come home. Too often we say, “I could never do that.” How about, “I could totally do that!” April took off the scalloped hoop-de-do above the kitchen sink. Now, hoop-de-doos aren’t necessarily bad, I recently painted a shelf with a couple of them for my mason jars and it turned out very nicely. It turned from boring to fab, but here it would only look old and outdated. So off it came and amazingly enough, made … Read more

Love My DIY Home