Fall Tablescape – Seven Days of Tips 4

Has anyone ever told you, “This is a no-brainer?” or… Ramble on with the instructions like you’ve done it all your life? Have you ever called tech support and had to call time out because they told you to copy that, type this and insert it there and you had no idea what they were saying? I don’t really speak geek; do you? Here is a quote from an email sent to me by a friend. I’ll call her “Sally.” “All your DIY ideas are great.  And I love Pinterest for that as well, but like you said, time is one of the big issues and with me I have to add the word “talent”, “eye for it”, etc.  I don’t have what it takes.  I sometimes have ideas but I don’t have the time, money, know-how, energy, etc. to actually do it.  I guess I’ve started too many projects … Read more

Fall WI Landscape {Love My DIY Home}

Fall Tablescape – Seven Days of Tips 2

Happy fall, y’all!  It’s been snowy and cold here in Wisconsin. So cold. But it’s also B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.   This is what I see on my way home every day. Of course, when this is our inspiration – we want to bring this beauty into our homes. But first, let’s talk texture. What do glass, wax and vegetables have in common? Well, nothing until you bring them all together into a sweet little tablescape.   Pop Quiz: What do you put on top of a candlestick?   A Pumpkin, of course!   One key to keeping your tablescape interesting is to mix your textures. Put soft with hard, bumpy with smooth, round with square…OK, that’s not a texture, but you get my drift. Get creative. Use what you already have on hand. Go outside and see what free stuff you can use to beautify your home. Then put it all together … Read more

Upcycled China Cabinet – Unwanted to Amazing!

I’ve got a good one to show you today! We’re always thinking of ways to turn cast offs into something desirable, aren’t we? Garage sale finds, Goodwill castoffs, hand-me-downs, Aunt Clara’s dusty old china cabinet… A while ago we bought this china cabinet at an estate sale. We paid $97. It’s an Ethan Allen, so I knew it had good bones and it reminded me of my mother. LOL For some reason I acquaint Ethan Allen with my mom. No idea why. Maybe because it’s from her era. Here is DH strapping everything down we go that day. It was the last day of the estate sale, so I got this china cabinet CHEAP. I got a couple of other things too. I felt like I had won the jackpot. This thing was sitting in the living room of the house of someone who had gone on, and the kids … Read more

[VIDEO] A Kitty Climbing Wall

You might want to call me a “crazy cat lady,” and you probably wouldn’t be too far off. I love my Mia. She’s a great companion. I work from home and she keeps me company. I was very lonely before we got her 3 years ago. With hubby working till 5pm every day, I spent my days working as well, but missing having someone to talk to…or just be around. I usually had the TV on just to hear voices and feel less alone. But then my DD suggested I get a cat. I’ve always had a cat, but when we moved to Wisconsin, I decided not to get one because I had a couple of kids who were allergic, which one of them was this DD that suggested I get one – she felt my pain. The one son who is allergic doesn’t visit often, and for the other, … Read more

[Money Saving Tip] Bun Feet Are Expensive!

Bun feet are expensive, so we tend to avoid even considering using them on our pieces. But wouldn’t it be fab if we had a box full of options that didn’t cost us an arm and a leg? I have that now and It only cost me a few dollars. How? It occurred to me one day while spending the day looking for deals at garage sales, that I could repurpose table legs. I saw a table for sale at one sale that was only a few dollars. She was anxious to get rid of it and had it priced really low. It was old and worn and would only appeal to someone looking to get a temporary table like a young couple just starting out. So I offered her $5 for the legs and she said, “OK”! I was surprised and excited because the legs had some nice curves. … Read more

New Pop-Up ESCAPE ROOM on Facebook – DIY DECOR

COME LEARN SOME STUFF Since I mentor furniture flippers, accumulating staging props to use in photos for listings can be a big issue. So I like to help with every area of the flipping process to help members save money and increase profits. We can make our own decor and save $ – our bottom line isn’t only affected by the profit we make on a piece of furniture, but also on our expenses. So, the more staging decor we acquire easily and cheaply, the better.   NEW POP-UP GROUP ON FACEBOOK THE ESCAPE ROOM – DIY Staging Decor is open and ready for you. You can click the  name and it will take you there so you can sign up and reserve your spot. It’s going to be fun! I’m busily working on projects to share with you. It starts September 28, but you can join in on the … Read more

Product TIPs for the Furniture Flipper and Decor Creator!

I’ve been working on recording tips for those of you who want to grow your skills in redesign and marketing. You can find all of them here: 100 Random Furniture Flipping Tips Video Series >>> I have Tips #83, 84, 93, 94,96, 99 & 100 for you today – Products That Make Your Life Easier! But for now, come view a compilation of some products you can find on Amazon (afflinks below the video) that may just lighten your load a little and make room to enjoy your creativity more. Kneeling Pad: https://amzn.to/360VidV Knee Pads: https://amzn.to/3duj0Dp Work Stool/Creeper: https://amzn.to/3ye4E21 Canvas Dropcloth: https://amzn.to/3hfl5Ek Bed Risers: https://amzn.to/3Ao5ACX Scrubs: https://amzn.to/3duBdAK Paint Coveralls: https://amzn.to/3jushz2 Bent Brush: https://amzn.to/3w6ZJhK Zipwall: https://amzn.to/3h7PPZ0 NOTE: Be sure to check around for better quality or priced products – the ones I listed in the video are not necessarily recommended by me; they are just shown as examples. Some of these products … Read more

Bun Feet Alternative – TIP!

A while ago I told you about our new kitchen table and how I redesigned it. To see the before and after of the table go here: Can Furniture Become a Piece of Art? The table was too short to fit well with the chairs we already had, so we were constantly having to sit a little sideways to be comfortable. I had plans to fix the height but was too stubborn to pay the long price for bun feet. I looked in woodworking shops, on Amazon etc. but they were so expensive! I finally found something that worked, so I’m sharing a tip with you today based on my experience. Go to garage sales! To add a few inches, be cut down feet from another piece of furniture and DH attached them. I originally was going to paint the added pieces to match the table legs but once they … Read more

Create an Inviting Office Space

Since I spend 99% of my time in my home, I LIVE in my home. It’s what I see when I wake up, work, play, relax, cook, eat – you get the idea. It’s my sanctuary. It’s my castle. It’s where I AM all the time. It was especially true this past year. Don’t get me started… We have transformed nearly every room in our 4-level home, implementing significant upgrades with the assistance of a reliable service such as gresham heating and cooling. Beyond interior renovations, we’ve also dedicated efforts to enhance the exterior. This property and its surroundings were initially a chaotic mess, presenting us with the challenge of truly making it our own. Our top level has two master bedroom suites, and an office (have a peek at this web-site to find the best office spaces around your locality). It was originally 4 bedrooms, but you know, I … Read more

Typesetter’s Drawer Upcycle – Essential Oils Decorative Rack

We found this typesetter’s drawer for just a few dollars about 6 years ago and just never did anything with it…until last week. I have a challenge in my Blueprint member’s group that consists of 3 things: Clean up/organize your workshop. Make your workshop pretty. Do something special for yourself. I’m joining my members in the challenge and I’m: Cleaning up my office (workshop already done) Making my office pretty Cleaned up the typesetter’s drawer, stained and mounted it on the wall  of my master bedroom hallway.   Here is the “BEFORE” of the typesetter drawer: We decided to take it to the car wash and spray it down – normally you have to be very careful when getting water on old wood because it could warp. But I decided it was worth the risk since it looked like the back had already been exposed to moisture (rippled). Besides, I … Read more

Love My DIY Home