Cleaning Paint Brushes

If you want your painting supplies to last, take good care of them. I’m super picky about cleaning my tools, especially my brushes. I try to get my paint brushes to as close to new looking as possible by cleaning them until I’m satisfied all of the paint is out. Here’s an extra tip: If you find it has dried before you were able to wash the paint out, soak the brush in hair conditioner or fabric softener for a day or two and you’ll be surprised at the results! In less than 1 minute, I show you in this video the simple process I use to wash out my brushes. These little tips by experienced furniture flippers can save you $ and much disappointment – go the extra mile to keep your tools in good shape. How’s that for a quick tip. You can find more on my Youtube … Read more

Fixing a Sloppy Paint Job

Here’s a little tip to save you some time and effort. I bought a dresser from Marketplace and the drawers had some messy painting going on. Drips, over painting, scratches, bristles embedded, etc. The worst part were the drawer sides. My options for fixing them were: painting them, stenciling over the mess, or sanding it off. I didn’t like any of those options. I thought on it a while and came up with a better option. It was easier than any of the three choices I originally thought I had and it worked. Here is the finished project – you can click the pic to go right to the post about this project: This is an example of the super short videos I create for my Blueprint members. I’ll be sharing some of them with those who wish to see the nicky picky details that most experienced furniture flippers have … Read more

[VIDEO] Sanding and Stripping a Finish Tips

When do you sand and when should you strip? One or the other or both? First you need to give each a try, sanding and stripping, to become comfortable so it’s easy to know which is best for the job you have to do. Pick a small piece and give it a go! If you’ve never done it before, basic prep can be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be. Here’s a short look at both methods using a Rigid random orbital with a dust bag and Soy Gel Coatings Remover, formerly known as Soy Gel. Thanks for visiting. I have lots of opportunities for you to learn furniture redesign and marketing, both free and paid, that will help you along in your journey to become a confident furniture flipper. I have a bunch of ways to follow me and my escapades listed below. Have a great weekend and happy painting! … Read more

Drips & Brush Strokes No More!

Do you stress over brush strokes? Do you fight with drips? I have a couple of methods for avoiding drips and brush strokes. Getting to know your paint, your brushes and your own way of doing things goes a long way to achieving the finish you desire. It takes practice, but once you get it down, you’re good. Here’s a video of one of my three methods I use to avoid brush strokes and drips, and flawless finish: Let me know if you have questions! Blessings,

Tips to Save Your Paint Brushes from Dying

Yes, I said, “dying,” not “drying.” But it’s pretty much the same, isn’t it? But maybe not… I’ve been painting for many years, so I’ve run into issues with brushes. Paint getting into the ferrule, hairs falling out and drying in the paint, dust, globs, contamination, paint drying in the brush. You name it, I’ve experienced it. But fortunately I learn from my mistakes and can share solutions with you. In my Random Furniture Flipping Tips Video Series, I have a few that might be helpful to you. Here’s #74 & 87 from that series. I’m working on a bonus for my Blueprint members where I’m posting all of my brush reviews and tips for September’s bonus and ran across these tips thinking they might help you as you paint your decor and furniture. Have you joined FFB yet? Enrollment is closing soon, so, don’t wait. My tips videos are … Read more

My Double Flipped Dresser

Occasionally I will buy a piece that another furniture artist has listed that they couldn’t sell. They will put it up for sale super cheap. 90% of the time there is something wrong with it like water damage or messed up drawers that they didn’t address in their redesign. Those things will discourage buyers and then they get  stuck with a piece that they put effort into that doesn’t sell. Most hate keeping pieces around and will give up and get rid of it to cut their losses. I watch for that scenario and if the piece is solid, just not up to par, I’ll grab it. This happened with this piece. I bought it for $40 on Marketplace. There were some details that hurt its saleability, but it had good hardware and was a brand that said, “quality”.   The BEFORE: Looks good, right? So why was it for … Read more

Growing Your Redesign Skills

Have You “Arrived” Yet? “You don’t know what you don’t know.” AND… “The  more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.” Have you considered taking a class or joining a group that will help you become a better artist? Specifically…a furniture artist.   Finding Your Tribe I have created a membership for aspiring artists that teaches all things furniture flipping (redesign and marketing). It’s called Furniture Flipping Blueprint because it’s a step-by-step 24/7/365 online manual. Those who join FFB also join my FB group, Furniture Flipping Blueprint PRO where we exchange ideas and challenge one another to grow our skills. Along with group membership, some of us meet up once a year to work on our furniture redesign skills. There’s nothing like being in a learning group that challenges and inspires. We have a group like that and you are invited to join us. You can go to … Read more

Storing Tools Tip

Tips from seasoned furniture artists and those experienced in marketing can make a big difference. The things we consistently do every day become habits that we don’t have to think about. That’s the place we want to be. We want to know all the little things that make life easier so we can focus on our creative pursuits. Isaac, my grandson, is pretty amazing when it comes to fixing things and using tools, so I enlisted him to share some of his knowledge. It doesn’t hurt that he enjoys doing videos with me either. I’m all for family getting involved. Three years ago he created the Creative Kids Furniture Art Course. Perhaps your kids need something to do this summer? I’ll be posting more in the future. It’s the little things that make all the difference. Here’s Isaac… Do you have a tip you want to share? Leave one in … Read more

A Headboard Redesign w/ Brushes Overview

Do you ever get a chance to paint for yourself? I try to, but it’s kinda like the “Cobbler’s children have no shoes,” for most furniture flippers. This headboard has sat around waiting for me for about 3 or 4 years. It’s massive. And now, it’s almost ready for my master suite. Here’s the “before”. Here are steps 1-3:   STEP #1  Repair & Clean We couldn’t get it up the two flights of stairs because it was too tall and ceilings got in the way. So DH had to cut off the end pieces and reassemble them. He used L brackets so they can easily be taken apart in the future. Hats off to him for repairing it so well and figuring out the best way to take it apart and put it back together. STEP #2  Prime with STIX. STIX isn’t a regular primer that covers stains or … Read more

Furniture Flipping Market Coming Soon!

A few years ago there was a lady who commented on one of the posts on Furniture Flipping Forum, my FB group, that the original poster should try Retique It. Since I have a “No self-promotion” rule in the group, I messaged Michele and asked if she was the CEO of Retique It. She told me she as, but I was curious and asked her for a link to her product that she was promoting in my group. Honestly, I usually just delete and tell them we have the rule. But I’d seen the product mentioned once or twice before and I wanted to know what it was. So she gave me a link and I went exploring. Michele offered to send me some of the product to try and I said, “OK.” I tried it and liked it and have been promoting it every since. If product is good … Read more

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